(A)   All employees will receive an annual performance appraisal. Performance appraisals are designed to measure an employee's individual contribution to the village. Employee performance will be measured based on how well the employee meets the responsibilities of his or her job, primarily with regard to the quality and quantity of work, dependability on the job, and compatibility with fellow employees.
   (B)   The performance appraisal process is important because it may serve as a basis for a salary increase and provides an opportunity to address an employee's personal and professional growth and development, goals for desired performance improvement, and any changes in job responsibilities or expectations.
   (C)   An employee's immediate supervisor will tell him or her the basis upon which the employee's performance will be evaluated, and is responsible for evaluating the employee's performance in an informed, unbiased, objective and carefully determined manner. Employees will have the opportunity to meet with his or her immediate supervisor to review the results of the performance appraisal. Following that meeting, employees will be offered an opportunity to comment on his or her evaluation and asked to sign the evaluation.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 12-20-05; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-17-19)