(A) All employees who are laid off by the village shall have their names placed on a reinstatement list. As positions become available, they will be offered first to laid-off employees on this list in reverse order of the listing contained in the “Layoff” policy detailed above (i.e., last laid off has first choice of reinstatement). No employees shall be recruited for new positions until it is determined that the position cannot be filled by a qualified individual on the reinstatement eligibility list.
(B) Laid-off employees shall have five days to accept or reject the position offered. If an employee rejects a position dissimilar to that position from which he or she was laid off, it shall not affect his or her standing on the list. However, an employee who rejects a position identical to that from which he or she was laid off shall be deemed to have resigned from the employ of the village.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 12-20-05; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-17-19)