(A) Whenever it is determined that a layoff is necessary, and after a determination has been made concerning the number of positions to be eliminated within each department or division of the village affected by the layoff, employees may be considered for displacement from their positions as follows: (a) probationary part-time employee shall be separated first; (b) part-time employees shall be separated next; (c) full-time employees on disciplinary probation shall be separated next; (d) full-time employees on initial employment probation shall then be separated; (e) full-time employees shall then be separated according to seniority (non-supervisory) and qualifications; and (f) management personnel or supervisory personnel shall then be separated according to seniority and qualifications.
(B) An employee whose job is eliminated shall have the right to “bump” another employee with less seniority in another department, providing he or she can fulfill the minimum qualifications of that position and the position is an equal or lesser pay grade than the one being abolished or eliminated.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 12-20-05; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-17-19)