(A)   The Village of New Lebanon's (hereinafter “the Village” or “the municipality”) Personnel Rules and Regulations (hereinafter “Rules and Regulations”) are intended to provide municipal employees with a general understanding of the village's policies and guidelines. These Rules and Regulations are applicable to all municipal employees, and thus each employee of the village is required to familiarize himself or herself with the contents of these Rules and Regulations. The Municipal Manager of the Village is the Municipal Manager, who is charged with the responsibility for the administration of these rules and regulations until such time as the municipality may appoint a full-time Administrative Agent.
   (B)   These Rules and Regulations will answer many questions concerning employment with the village, but they cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question. If you have any questions regarding these Rules and Regulations, contact your immediate supervisor or the Municipal Manager.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 12-20-05; Am. Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-17-19)