(A)   The Authority's Executive Board shall appoint an Executive Director who shall serve at the pleasure of such Board and whose duties shall be such as are prescribed herein and shall not be inconsistent with R.C. § 5915.07 or rules promulgated by the Governor.
   (B)   The Authority shall have a budget supported financially by the Boards of County Commissioners of Montgomery and Greene and the political subdivisions of both counties entering into this agreement. The Executive Director, upon approval of the Authority's Executive Board, shall request each participating political subdivision to pay an annual per capita fee determined to be necessary for fiscal operations. The Montgomery and Greene County Boards of Commissioners shall be requested to pay an annual per capita fee, or a negotiated annual amount mutually acceptable to both the Authority's Executive Board and each County Commission.
   (C)   The compensation of the Executive Director and staff shall be paid from the Emergency Management Authority's Budget. The Executive Director shall have such additional authority, duties and responsibilities as are authorized by this agreement or as may from time to time be established by the Executive Board.
   (D)   The Executive Director shall prepare and submit for review and approval a budget annually to the Executive Board.
   (E)   The Executive Director shall have general direction of the Emergency Management Authority, and shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this agreement. In performing duties pursuant to this agreement, the Executive Director is authorized to cooperate with other political subdivisions, with the state, with other states and federal government through appropriate channels and with private agencies in all matters pertaining to emergency preparedness/civil defense activities of the county, state and nation.
   (F)   The Executive Director shall have the authority, with consent of the Executive Board, during time of disaster or emergency, to enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to alleviate the effects of such disaster or emergency, protect the lives and safety of persons and property and to coordinate the emergency assistance to the victims of such disaster, and to carry out the provisions of Regional Emergency Management as defined in R.C. § 5915.07 and 1964 OAG 1532. In absence of the Executive Director the above may be carried out by the Deputy Director upon consent of the Executive Board.
   (G)   The Authority's Executive Director shall be responsible for an emergency management program that:
      (1)   Is in accordance with R.C. § 5915.07, and all rules adopted under it;
      (2)   Includes without limitations, development of the Emergency Operation Plan for Montgomery and Greene Counties and their respective subdivisions which includes the maintenance of the SARA, Title III, Montgomery/Greene County Local Emergency Response Plan;
      (3)   Is applicable to all political subdivisions entering into this agreement; and
      (4)   Is responsible for coordinating organizing, administering, and operating emergency management before during and after an unusual event, emergency or disaster.
('80 Code, § 33.24) (Res. 90-21, passed 12-4-90)