(A)   In accordance with R.C. § 713.01, the Planning Commission shall consist of the Mayor, one member of the legislative authority to be elected thereby for the remainder of his or her term as such member of the legislative authority, and three citizens of the municipality to be appointed by the Council for terms of six years each, except that the term of one of the members of the first commission shall be for four years and one for two years.
   (B)   All members of the Planning Commission shall serve without compensation.
   (C)   The Council member on the Planning Commission shall not be on the Board of Zoning Appeals but may act in an ex officio position to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (D)   The term of the Council member appointed by the majority vote of elected Council to the Planning Commission will be for the remainder of his or her term as a Council member.
   (E)   The powers, duties, and scope of authority of the Planning Commission shall be governed by requirements as set forth and described under R.C. §§ 713.02 through 713.15 inclusive.
   (F)   The Planning Commission may control, appoint, or employ such architects, engineers, and other professional service, and appoint such clerks, draftsmen, and other subordinates as are necessary for the performance of its functions as a Planning Commission as authorized under R.C. § 713.05.
   (G)   Council may appropriate all necessary funds for annual expenditures to pay for the aforementioned services and all other expenses incurred in the performance of its functions as a Planning Commission of the municipality.
('80 Code, § 33.15) (Ord. 82-3, passed 4-20-82; Am. Ord. 83-3, passed 2-15-83; Am. Res. 94-11, passed 3-15-94)