   The time, place and purpose of all special meetings of the public bodies of the Village of Newburgh Heights shall be posted by the Fiscal Officer on the bulletin board and/or message board in the lobby of the Village Hall, 3801 Harvard Avenue, Newburgh Heights, Ohio, at least twenty-four hours in advance of any such regular meeting. The statement of purpose of any notice posted under this section shall state such specific or general purpose or purposes then known to the Fiscal Officer that the public body intends to consider at such special meeting and may state, as an additional general purpose, that any other business as may properly come before such public body at such meeting may be considered and acted upon.
(Ord. 2016-68. Passed 12-27-16.)
   Upon payment to the Clerk-Treasurer in advance and not subject to refund, any person shall be entitled to not less than twenty-four hours personal, mail, telephone, telephone facsimile or electronic mail notice, at the option of the Clerk-Treasurer, of any or all meetings at which any specific type of public business is to be discussed by a public body of this Village either at a regular or at a special meeting. Any person requesting such notice shall leave his or her telephone number, e-mail address or telephone facsimile address with the Clerk-Treasurer, depending upon the requestor’s method of notice, or sufficient self-addressed stamped envelopes with the Clerk- Treasurer if notification is requested by mail through the United States Postal Service.
   Any persons requesting advance notification pursuant to the terms of this section shall be required to remit a quarterly fee in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00), commencing with the date of the initial request, in advance, to the Clerk-Treasurer.
   Any persons not in compliance herein by failing to remit the required fee under this section will not receive the requested notice. (Ord. 2009-16. Passed 9-15-09.)
   As referred to in this chapter, "public body" means:
   (a)   Council; or
   (b)   Any committee of Council; or
   (c)   Zoning Board of Appeals.
      (Ord. 1976-11. Passed 2-3-76.)