(A) Statement of purpose.
(1) The Highway Corridor Overlay District is intended to provide for coordinated urban design between and among intense commercial developments located along major thoroughfares and provide for effective traffic control by providing for traffic management measures within the development approval process.
(2) The HC District has the following specific objectives:
(a) Eliminate traffic conflicts among uses located on major thoroughfares;
(b) Minimize the conflict between through traffic and destination traffic;
(c) Provide for pedestrian circulation within the HC District; and
(d) Reduce visual conflicts which could interfere with safe automobile operation.
(B) Site plan review. No building permit shall be issued nor structure or building shall be erected, nor existing building altered, remodeled or enlarged or extended until the Site Review Advisory Committee (SRAC) has accepted a site development plan as outlined in § 157.039. The SRAC may recommend approval of the proposed site development plan with our without conditions. The SRAC may also recommend denial of the total site proposal or a portion thereof if they find that conditions, standards or purposes of this section; or other germane sections of this chapter; or the policies of the official Comprehensive Plan the purposes of the underlying zoning or the general development policies and specific site design guidelines and the HC District of the town, have not been complied with.
(C) Enforcement of appeals. Decisions by the Plan Commission shall be enforced by the Administrator in accordance with the provisions of § 157.036.
(D) Site development criteria. In considering any application for development review approval, the Site Review Advisory Committee shall be guided by the following criteria:
(1) Parking lot location and design.
(a) Break up large parking areas at regular intervals with landscaped islands;
(b) Put signs and light poles in landscaped islands and setbacks to minimize the potential for collision with such obstacles;
(c) All access drives shall be located at the maximum possible distance away from adjacent residential property lines; and
(d) The view of parking lots from adjacent streets and peripheral lots containing nonresidential uses, shall be screened along at least 50% of their length. The view from abutting lots containing residential uses shall be screened along 100% of the parking lot length.
(2) Driveways and internal circulation. Minimize the number of curb cuts on any one site to minimize traffic congestion on abutting roads. The minimum distance between curb cuts shall be one 150 feet.
(a) Encourage shared driveways between abutting properties;
(b) Locate driveway cuts a maximum distance away from nearby intersections from other driveway cuts to improve circulation and minimize the potential for accidents;
(c) Discourage dog-leg intersections and other awkward intersection configurations;
(d) Locate signs and landscaping so that they do not obstruct motorists view.
(e) Separate parking aisles from site circulation routes;
(f) Provide sufficient stacking room at driveway/street intersections; and
(g) Discourage use of site circulation as “cut throughs” for vehicles from abutting roads.
(3) Landscaping and screening.
(a) Open space and associated landscaping and amenities.
1. Preserve existing trees on a site wherever possible;
2. Landscaping required around all ground signs; and
3. Provide street tree planting along the thoroughfare right-of-way.
(b) Landscaping and screening in required yards.
1. Screen parking areas from adjacent roads;
2. Situate significant landscaped buffers between transitional use areas. The size of the buffer shall depend on the uses in question;
3. In transitional yards, berms combined with plantings shall be used to block car headlights from reaching buildings, especially residential buildings. Where a site HC District abuts a residential use, a continuous, solid visual screen, including landscaping shall be provided; and
4. Where two nonresidential lots abut one another a landscape screen shall be provided along at least 50% of the length of the common property line.
(c) Building landscaping.
1. Separate buildings from parking lots with landscaping and walkways;
2. Foundation landscaping shall be provided on fronts of buildings in the form of raised planters or plant beds flush with the ground. Portable planters are prohibited. Raised planters shall be constructed of materials compatible with the building; and
3. Provide for pedestrian access to the site and pedestrian movement on site.
(d) Screening mechanical equipment and refuse disposal areas.
1. All roof-top and ground level mechanical equipment, refuse disposal areas and utilities shall be screened from view; and
2. Encourage landscaping in front of fences screening refuse disposal areas, mechanical equipment and outdoor storage areas.
(e) Right-of-way landscaping. Require street tree plantings at regular intervals.
(4) Specific landscaping and screening requirements. For detailed landscaping requirements see § 157.065.
(5) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be shaded or inwardly directed in such a manner so that no direct lighting or glare is cast upon adjacent residential or institutional property. Pedestrian areas shall be lighted with pedestrian scale lighting.
(E) Development approval. In addition to the requirements set forth in the site plan review procedures at § 157.039, the following additional requirements shall be met:
(1) Site lighting plan showing the location intensity and time period of operation of all exterior lighting;
(2) Detailed pedestrian circulation plan indicating pedestrian walkways, access routes and indicating how potential conflicts between auto traffic and pedestrians will be handled;
(3) Signage plan indicating the size, placement, landscaping and hours of operation of all exterior building signs, ground signs and pole signs; and
(4) Traffic impact report indicating average daily traffic volume entering and leaving the site, peak traffic conditions, the contribution of site traffic to the area and establishing a plan for traffic mitigation.
(Ord. 1997-1, § 130.9(C), passed 1-22-1997)