(A)   The Plan Commission may establish a Site Review Advisory Committee to review and advise the Plan Commission about the acceptability of the site plan prior to action by the Plan Commission. The Site Review Advisory Committee is intended to provide a technical review of development site plans to ensure compliance with sound site design principles, to minimize traffic conflicts and improve safety for vehicles entering and leaving the site, to provide for access of public emergency vehicles, to reduce public service and maintenance burdens and to protect existing properties from adverse impacts caused by new development on surrounding parcels. The Site Review Advisory Committee will provide advice and recommendations to the Plan Commission and to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the action of each respective body.
   (B)   The Site Review Advisory Committee shall be comprised of the Town Administrative Manager, the Town Attorney, the Town Engineer and the Town Zoning Administrator.
   (C)   The Site Review Advisory Committee may establish rules of procedure, to be approved by the Plan Commission, for the conduct of its business. If rules of procedure are adopted each petitioner shall be informed of those procedures in advance of appearance or presentation of materials to the Site Review Advisory Committee.
   (D)   The Site Review Advisory Committee shall review site plans so as to:
      (1)   Minimize dangerous traffic movements;
      (2)   Reduce traffic congestion;
      (3)   Improve ingress and egress conditions;
      (4)   Maintain existing mature trees to the maximum extent possible;
      (5)   Provide for public view screens of unsightly activities;
      (6)   Protect and enhance the architectural integrity of the town;
      (7)   Eliminate hazards to public safety;
      (8)   Provide for efficient use of the site with respect to buildings, accessory structures and freestanding signs, so as not to impede safe traffic flow and pedestrian circulation; and
      (9)   Review other factors as may be requested by the Plan Commission or by the Board of Zoning Appeals on a case by case basis.
   (E)   Site plan requirements and acceptance.
      (1)   All site plans shall contain the following information, as well as the information requested at § 157.049.
         (a)   The location and exact dimensions of all property lines, existing and proposed structures, parking lots and drives, roadways and rights-of-way, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, recreational facilities, utility easements and other easements recorded or proposed and other freestanding structural features as determined to be necessary by the Administrator.
         (b)   A site vicinity map depicting the location of existing buildings, structures, roadways and rights-of-way, utility easements and parking areas on adjacent property within 100 feet of the site.
         (c)   The petitioner shall supply six copies of the site plan drawn to scale.
         (d)   The petitioner shall be required to supply a drainage plan showing the details of proposed storm water management features and off-site runoff characteristics with completion of the proposed improvements.
      (2)   Site plan review by the Committee or Administrator shall be required for all proposed new exterior structural construction except one and two household dwelling units, temporary uses, fences, permitted accessory buildings, structures and uses accessory to structures in any zoning district. Expansion of existing commercial structures shall require a site plan for review. Changes in use without structural change shall not be required to file a site plan.
      (3)   The Site Review Advisory Committee, if created, shall issue a statement of findings to the Plan Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals and to the petitioner about the acceptability of the site plan and offer suggestions for improvement and additions if warranted. If the site plan is accepted by the Plan Commission, the Administrator shall issue an improvement location permit if the building and/or use conform to the other provisions of this chapter. If the petitioner requests a zoning chapter text amendment or zoning map change, the Site Review Advisory Committee shall file a report with the Plan Commission stating the findings and recommendations of the Site Review Committee regarding the acceptability of the site plan. If the petitioner seeks approval of a conditional use permit, the Site Review Advisory Committee shall inform the Board of Zoning Appeals of its findings.
(Ord. 1997-1, § 130.2(E), passed 1-22-1997; Ord. 2001-14, passed 8-22-2001)