(A)   License required; exception. It shall be unlawful for any person to give or conduct any public dance for which a fee is charged in any room, hall, building, structure, tavern, café, lounge or garden or other place in the town without first have obtained a license therefore as provided in this section. No such license shall be required for the giving of any private dance to which the public generally is not admitted or to any dance the proceeds of which are devoted exclusively to any religious, educational, civic, charitable, literary or scientific purpose.
   (B)   Application required. Every applicant for such dance license shall make application therefor to Town Police Department of said town prior to the day of said dance and no license shall be issued by the Town Clerk-Treasurer for any such dance until said application has been properly approved and signed by said Town Police Department. Said application shall state the time and place of said dance, the admission if any to be charged, the sponsor’s name and address and the name and address of the promoter, if any.
   (C)   Policing. The license shall provide the name of a person or persons acceptable to said Town Police Department, the same and to see that such dance is carried on and conducted in a decent and proper manner; said person shall maintain order at such dance and shall immediately notify the Police Department of any intoxication or lewd, immoral or unseemly conduct upon the part of any person there attending or of any person who offends against the decent proprieties of a social gathering.
   (D)   Weekly license. The Clerk-Treasurer upon the recommendation of the Town Police Department shall have a right to issue concurrent licenses for the giving of dances in such places upon consecutive days; provided, however, no such license shall be issued for more than six consecutive days; and provided, further, that each day’s license so issued shall be a separate license for that day only. If, where such concurrent licenses are issued, there shall be a violation of any of the provisions of the section, the Police Department may revoke the said license for the remainder of said period of time.
(1991 Code, § 111.02) Penalty, see § 111.99