(A) Sewer service charges. Sewer service charges shall be on the basis of estimated water use of the average residence and is designated residential equivalent use (REU). The service charge shall be based on the number of REUs designated for each classification of users. The sewer service charge for each REU is set as provided in § 36.04 per quarter.
(B) User classifications.
(1) For each residential unit, defined to be a housekeeping unit with two bedrooms or more, a quarterly service charge of one REU.
(2) For each efficiency or one-bedroom residential unit, a quarterly sewer service charge of three-quarters of one REU.
(3) For each commercial establishment, defined to be a business or retail, or wholesale or of service nature, a quarterly sewer service charge of one REU for each five full-time equivalent employees.
(4) For each church or assembly hall, a quarterly sewer service charge of one REU.
(5) For each school or daycare facility, a quarterly sewer service charge of one REU for each 20 occupants.
(6) For each tavern/bar/restaurant, a quarterly sewer service charge will be assessed as classified by the County Health Department operational license guidelines for the business portion of the sewer usage.
(a) Tavern/bar with no food served: two REUs;
(b) Tavern/bar/restaurant food served: three REUs; or
(c) Housekeeping units associated with the tavern/bar/restaurant i.e. property, will be defined separately as reflected in divisions (B)(1) and (2).
(7) For each manufacturing establishment, a quarterly sewer service charge of one REU for each five full time equivalent employees plus additional REUs based upon estimated water usage for manufacturing operations.
(Prior Code, § 13.01) (Ord. 104-92, passed 12-17-1992; Ord. 108-93, passed 12-9-1993; Ord. 7-97, passed 4-24-1997; Ord. 12-97, passed - -; Ord. 02-09, passed 11-19-2009; Ord. 07-2017, passed 6-8-2017; Ord. 08-2017, passed 7-13-2017; Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)
(A) Billing rule. Bills for sewerage system charges are rendered quarterly as of the end of March, June, September, and December of each year and become due and payable on the fifteenth day of the month following the period (quarter) for which service is rendered.
(B) Penalty rule.
(1) A penalty fee as provided in § 36.04 shall be assessed against delinquent balances due on sewerage system charges and past penalties assessable thereon which are accrued and unpaid, each such penalty to be compounded, assessed, and billed each quarter. On November 1 of each year, the Village Administrator/Clerk shall certify and file as a part of the Clerk’s records a list of all lots or parcels of real estate, noting the legal description thereof, of the owners or occupants thereof whose sewerage system charges are delinquent as of the end of the business day October 31 and in arrears, and stating the amount of such delinquencies and arrears, together with penalties, including any such compounded penalties thereon, as herein provided.
(2) Each such delinquent amount, including any penalty, shall become a lien on the lot or parcel of real estate to which benefits of the sewerage system were furnished and payment for which is delinquent, and the Village Treasurer shall insert the same as a tax against such lot or parcel of real estate. All proceedings in relation to collection of general property taxes and to the return and sale of property for delinquent taxes shall apply to said tax if the same is not paid within the time required by law for payment of taxes upon real estate.
(Prior Code, § 13.02) (Ord. 01-2016, passed 2-11-2016; Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)
(A) Definitions. The definitions in Wis. Stats. § 66.0617(1) are hereby adopted by reference.
(B) Imposed. Pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0617, a wastewater treatment plant impact fee per residential unit equivalent for residential, commercial, industrial, and industrial development is hereby imposed on developers. The fee shall be in the amount set forth in Exhibit B of the village’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Needs Assessment, (which is incorporated here by reference), except that the impact fee for an efficiency or one-bedroom apartment shall be set as provided in § 36.04.
(C) Payment of the impact fee. The impact fee shall be paid to the Village Treasurer/Deputy Clerk by the property owner at the time of applying for a building permit.
(D) Requirements for impact fee revenues. Revenues from impact fees shall be placed in a segregated, interest-bearing account and shall be accounted for separately from the other funds of the village. Impact fee revenues and interest earned on impact fee revenues may be expended only for capital costs for which the impact fee was imposed.
(E) Impact fee accounting; time periods; return of fees.
(1) The Village Treasurer/Deputy Clerk shall keep an account of the amount and date of each impact fee payment and the date such funds are expended on a first-in first-out basis.
(2) The time period for the expenditure of the wastewater treatment plant impact fee funds shall be in accordance with the time limits set forth in Wis. Stats. § 66.0617.
(3) Impact fees, together with interest earned, which are not used to pay the capital costs for which they are imposed within the time period prescribed in division (E)(2) above shall be refunded to the current owner of the property with respect to which the impact fees are imposed.
(F) Appeal.
(1) Any developer upon whom an impact fee has been imposed may contest the amount, collection, or the use of the impact fee by filing an appeal to the Village Board addressed to the Village Administrator/Clerk. A copy of the appeal shall be forwarded to the Sewer Utility Superintendent who shall submit a written report and make a recommendation. At the next Board meeting, the Board shall adopt a proposed resolution of the matter and the Administrator/Clerk shall send a copy of the same to the developer. If the developer still feels aggrieved, within ten days he or she may file a written request with the Administrator/Clerk that a hearing on the matter be held.
(2) If the hearing request is received by the Administrator/Clerk five days or more from the next Board meeting, the Board will hear the matter at that meeting. If received less than five days from the next Board meeting, the matter will be heard at the next succeeding Board meeting.
(3) After fully hearing the matter, the Board shall reduce its findings and decisions to writing within ten days and the Administrator/Clerk shall send a copy thereof to the developer by certified mail. If the developer still feels aggrieved, he or she may file an appeal with the Circuit Court within 30 days of the receipt of the Board decision.
(Prior Code, § 13.05) (Ord. 5-96, passed 9-12-1996; Ord. 03-2009, passed 6-11-2009; Ord. 10-2014, passed 11-13-2014; Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)
(A) Installation. All laterals shall be constructed by the village.
(B) Assessment of costs. Cost of installation of laterals shall be charged to the benefitting property owner on a time and materials basis, and shall be paid to the Village Treasurer/Deputy Clerk within 60 days of billing therefore, and, if such charge is not so paid, such charge shall be added on the succeeding tax roll, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0627.
(Prior Code, § 13.06)
(A) Pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 281.465, all buildings used for human habitation and located adjacent to a sewer main, or in a block through which such system extends, shall be connected to the village sanitary sewer system within 30 days after the Village Administrator/Clerk shall give notice, in writing, to the owner of any such building that such building shall be connected to the village sanitary sewer system.
(Prior Code, § 13.07)
(B) (1) Whenever sewer become available to any building used for human habitation, the Building Inspector shall notify, in writing, the owner, agent, or occupant thereof to connect thereto all facilities required by the Building Inspector. If such person to whom the notice has been given shall fail to comply for more than ten days after the notice, the Building Inspector shall cause the necessary connections to be made and the expense thereof shall be assessed as a special tax against the property, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 281.465.
(2) After connection to public sewer, no privy, privy vault, or cesspool shall be constructed or maintained upon such lot or parcel and shall be abated upon ten days’ written notice for such abatement by the Building Inspector. If not so abated, the Building Inspector shall cause the same to be done and the cost thereof assessed as a special tax against the property.
(3) The Building Inspector may extend the time for connection hereunder or may grant other temporary relief where strict enforcement would work an unnecessary hardship without corresponding public or private benefit.
(4) Where sewer mains are not available, chemical toilets shall be used. No surface privy, cesspool, or dry closet shall be constructed or maintained on any lot or parcel without a permit granted by the Building Inspector.
(Prior Code, § 11.08) Penalty, see § 51.99