(A) Rolling and finishing shall start at the edge and proceed toward the center, except on super elevated curves where rolling shall proceed from the lower to the upper side and continue until the aggregate are firmly set.
(B) Finished road shall be crowned or elevated from the shoulder to center line.
(C) Pavements of hot laid asphalt (plant mix) or bituminous (triple treatment) will be acceptable. All pavements shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width.
(D) All plant mixed asphalt paving materials shall conform to standard specifications for highway construction and shall be delivered to the spreading at a temperature as provided in the South Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specification Book (2000 Edition).
(E) The surface of the mixture after compaction shall be smooth and true to establish crown and grade. Any mixture that becomes loose or broken, mixed with dirt, or in any way defective shall be removed and replaced with fresh mix which shall be immediately compacted to conform with the surrounding area. Joints between old and new pavement or between strips shall be made in such a manner as to ensure proper bond between the old and new surface.
(F) Bituminous surfacing shall consist of a wearing surface of applications of bituminous material and spreading of aggregate, constructed on prepared base. Emulsified asphalt shall be CRS or its equivalent and shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO.
(G) The following schedule shall be followed in the construction of bituminous surfacing:
(1) 40 - 50 pounds per square yard #5 stone;
(2) .50 - .55 gallons per square yard CRS-2;
(3) 28 - 32 pounds per square yard #6 M stone;
(4) .40 - .45 gallons per square yard CRS-2;
(5) 14 - 17 pounds per square yard #89 M stone;
(6) .30 - .35 gallons per square yard CRS-2; and
(7) 8 - 12 pounds per square yard (course creek sand or manufactured sand).
(H) Each layer shall be rolled immediately, with steel wheel rollers. After layers have been spread, it shall be uniformed by light brooming as each is laid to obtain a smooth surface.
(I) Immediately after the paving process is completed, shoulders shall be leveled to the pavement edge.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000; Am. Ord. 07-37-03, passed 7-2-2003)
(A) All bridges shall be approved in advance by the office of the County Administrator.
(B) All piling shall be treated to 18 pounds per cubic foot and shall conform to the following:
(1) Under 26 feet length - 11-inches diameter measured 36 inches from butt end;
(2) 26 - 50-foot inclusive length - 12 inches diameter measured 36 inches from butt end;
(3) 51 - 70-foot inclusive length - 13 inches diameter measured 36 inches from butt end; the minimum penetration into original ground for any pile shall not be less than 10 feet in firm material and not less than 16 feet in soft material or sand;
(4) All lumber shall be treated 12 pounds per cubic foot minimum, and shall be of dense structured grade, 65% strength ratio conformation to Southern Pine Inspection Bureau; and
(5) Concrete bridges on treated piling will be acceptable.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000)
(A) The final acceptance of a road by the county does not imply the road will be widened or stabilized at any time. Types of road accepted by the county shall be:
(1) Triple treatment; and
(2) Asphalt.
(B) No paving will be allowed on wet surfaces or when the temperature is below 45°F or shade temperature is 40°F. Paving is not permitted during the months of December, January, and February.
(C) Roads in existing subdivisions which have already been paved to county standards, but which have less than the required width of right-of-way, may be accepted into the county road system, upon a further determination by County Council that special circumstances exist which justify the acceptance of the road right-of-way, and that the customary right-of- way width is not readily available for acquisition.
(D) The developer of a subdivision may be required to sell 50% of the parcels of a subdivided tract before the county will accept the roads therein, but this requirement may be waived by Newberry County Council for good cause shown. The purpose of this provision is to keep the county from accepting financial responsibility for new roads which may be damaged by the heavy truck traffic generally associated with the development of property and construction of new homes or businesses, and which roads may need extensive, costly repairs after being exposed to such traffic.
(E) Concerning roads in approved subdivisions, in the event there is any material difference between the requirements of this chapter and the chapter providing standards for road acceptance and construction in subdivisions, the provisions of the subdivision regulations shall govern. The provisions of this chapter shall govern in all other situations.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000; Am. Ord. 07-37-03, passed 7-2-2003; Am. Ord. 05-15-07, passed 6-6-2007; Am. Ord. 9-32-08, passed 1-21-2009)
(A) The County Administrator or the Director of Public Works shall provide assistance to the general public, developers, and contractors.
(B) A copy of the county road specifications will be available in the office of the County Administrator and the office of the Director of Public Works.
(C) Upon satisfactory evidence that the road meets the minimum requirements as specified in this chapter, the Council shall, upon considering all information, accept responsibility for its maintenance.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000)
In order to provide for the safety and security of all county residents, and to minimize confusion for citizens, law enforcement and emergency personnel in times of natural disaster, civil unrest, or other emergency, all roads in Newberry County, public or private, shall be named in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 94 of the Newberry County Code of Ordinances, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000; Am. Ord. 05-15-07, passed 6-6-2007)
The county shall only abandon or close roads or portions of roads within the county road system under the method prescribed in S.C. Code §§ 57-9-10 et seq., as amended. Members of the public desiring the closure of roads, or portions of roads, shall initiate such requests by this same method and at their own expense, except in cases where County Council determines it is in the interest of the county to effect such closings. The County Administrator, acting on behalf of and in consultation with County Council, shall make known to the court the county's position with respect to such closure requests.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000; Am. Ord. 05-15-07, passed 6-6-2007; Am. Ord. 07-17-09, passed 11-19-2009)
Statutory reference:
Convicts, chain gangs to work roads, see S.C. Code §§ 57-17-620 and 57-17-630
(A) All through roads accepted into the county road system must include easements, executed by all adjoining property owners, granting the county a road and maintenance easement 50 feet in width for the road's entire length; this width may be 40 feet for non-through roads.
(1) Additional easements must be granted to the county, as required, for drainage and cul-de-sac turnarounds, and to otherwise ensure the safe use and proper maintenance of the road.
(2) Easement dimensions will be determined by the Director of Public Works.
(B) Submission of appropriately executed easements, plats, deeds, or court orders concerning the road's ownership and legal disposition.
(C) As befitting any road's status as a public road, there shall be no barriers, chains, gates, or fences that would block any portion of the road or street, and that would restrict movement of the traveling public.
(D) Any developer, contractor, or grantor(s) shall provide a performance bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of credit with a 2-year warranty period, as outlined in this chapter.
(E) All road signs, including but not limited to, stop, speed limit, curve, yield, hill, road name, and bridge marking, must be in place.
(F) All utilities shall be located off the roadbed and shall not be laid in ditches or curb lanes. No portion of the roadbed shall be used for water, sewer, telephone, gas, electrical, or cable TV. All utilities shall be placed at the outermost portion of the right-of-way.
(G) The county may require any developer, contractor, or owner to conduct soil testing to determine the quality of soil in the roadbed and right-of-way.
(H) Except as provided for in § 91.34 (A), after July 31, 2007, no road shall be accepted into the county road system unless it has been paved to final specifications, including a final top coat of paving, or unless adequate provision has been made in the form of the posting of an adequate commercial bond, cash deposit or letter of credit to provide for finishing the paving of the road (see § 154.063). This bond is in addition to the surety required for the 2-year warranty period set forth in division (D) above.
(I) All drainage, base setting, paving, and other road construction standards shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and any other standards adopted by the county with regard to road design, construction and/or maintenance.
(J) The speed limit shall be posted in accordance with § 91.05.
(K) Mail and newspaper boxes may not project over or be located in the dedicated right-of-way.
(L) Roads shall not dead-end unless an acceptable cul-de-sac or turnaround is established and transferred to the county by easement.
(M) All blind spots shall be removed in order to provide for the efficient and safe movement of traffic.
(N) Each road shall be constructed in a manner that prevents water from causing a hazard to vehicles and property. Drainage pipes or ditches should be constructed to prevent erosion and flooding to the road and to adjoining property.
(O) The county will not accept any road right-of-way that does not connect with an existing publicly-maintained road.
(P) Paving must conform to CRS and AASHTO M208 standards. No paving materials shall be laid on a roadbed that is unstable.
(Ord. 124, passed 9-17-1991; Am. Ord. passed 2-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 11-5-1997; Am. Ord. passed 1-5-2000; Am. Ord. 05-15-07, passed 6-6-2007; Am. Ord. 9-32-08, passed 1-21-2009; Am. Ord. 07-17-09, passed 11-19-2009)