(A)   Intent. The Rural Residential District is designed primarily for single-family residential home use with lots larger than other areas of the city. This is to create a more rural character to the district than found in the R-1 and R-2 Districts. The larger lots are to ensure a safe, potable water supply and/or adequate area for on-site wastewater treatment.
(Prior Code, § 1270.01)
   (B)   Permitted principal uses.
      (1)   Adult foster care family home;
      (2)   Day care home, family;
       (3)   Essential services;
      (4)   Residence, single-family; and
(Prior Code, § 1270.02)
      (5)   Accessory dwelling unit.
   (C)   Special land uses authorized by permit. The following uses of land and structures may be permitted in this district by application for and the issuance of a special land use permit as provided for in §§ 156.065 and 156.066:
      (1)   Adult foster care small group home;
      (2)   Adult foster care large group home;
      (3)   Banks and financial institutions;
      (4)   Bed and breakfast establishment;
      (5)   Cemetery;
      (6)   Day care center;
      (7)   Day care home, group;
      (8)   Golf course;
      (9)   Health care facilities, in-patient;
      (10)   Home occupations;
      (11)   Library;
      (12)   Mobile home park;
      (13)   Planned unit development;
      (14)   Recreational uses: cross-country ski trail, fields (soccer, hockey, ballfield), golf course, golf driving range, ice rink, mini-golf course, passive park;
      (15)   Religious institution;
      (16)   Residence, multiple-family;
      (17)   School;
      (18)   Wireless communications facility; and
      (19)   Wireless communications facility, attached.
(Prior Code, § 1270.03)
   (D)   Accessory buildings and uses. Accessory structures normally associated with permitted uses when located on the same lot or lots, subject to the following conditions.
      (1)    No more than three accessory buildings shall be permitted on the lots served by the principal building, two of these buildings may be accessory dwelling units.
      (2)   An accessory building may occupy not more than 50% of a rear yard area; provided, however, that the total floor area (being the entire area enclosed within the exterior walls) of all detached accessory building on a parcel of land, shall be limited as follows.
If the area of the parcel of land is:
Then the maximum total floor area of all detached accessory buildings shall be:
If the area of the parcel of land is:
Then the maximum total floor area of all detached accessory buildings shall be:
Less than 2 acres
1,200 sf
At least 2 acres but less than 3 acres
1,600 sf
At least 3 acres but less than 5 acres
2,000 sf
At least 5 acres but less than 8 acres
2,400 sf
At least 8 acres but less than 10 acres
3,000 sf
10 acres or more*
4,000 sf plus 200 square feet for each acre increment above 10 acres up to a maximum of 8,000 square feet. By way of example, a property containing 12 acres of land may have 4,400 square feet of detached accessory buildings.
*When the total of all detached accessory buildings exceeds 4,000 square feet in area, the applicant shall provide to the city’s Zoning Administrator a restrictive covenant, such as a deed restriction, as recorded with the county’s Register of Deeds indicating that any future division of the subject lot or parcel shall meet the above limits for lot area and accessory building ground floor area provided in § 156.047. Such instrument shall be provided to the city’s Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.
      (3)   All accessory buildings in excess of 150 square feet shall be constructed of similar materials or have the same general appearance as the principal building, except for those used in farming operations.
      (4)   The height of the accessory building shall not exceed 35 feet.
(Prior Code, § 1270.04)
      (5)   Prior to zoning approving for an ADU, property owner must provide approval for well and septic from the Marquette County Health Department.
   (E)   General regulations.
      (1)   Height of buildings. No building or structure thereof shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding 35 feet, except a permitted structure may exceed this limit by one foot for each foot in excess of ten feet that the building or structure is set back from all property lines, except that no building may exceed 75 feet.
      (2)   Lot area. No building shall be erected or altered unless it is on a lot having an area of not less than one acre. This regulation shall not apply to lots already platted and recorded as of the effective date of this section where the owner of such platted lots does not own a sufficient amount of adjacent land to permit compliance, provided that all other requirements of the section are met.
      (3)   Lot frontage. Every lot shall have frontage of not less than 150 feet along a street. This regulation does not apply to lots already platted and recorded as of the effective date of this section where the owner of such platted lots does not own a sufficient amount of adjacent land to permit compliance, provided all other requirements of this section are met.
      (4)   Setbacks. There shall be a building setback line of not less than 25 feet or a setback line consistent with adjacent structures. On every corner lot, the minimum setback distance shall be 25 feet on the short side of the lot and may be as little as 15 feet on the long side of the lot, except for those lots where the long side is parallel to the front of the majority of other lots on the street, in which case the setback shall be 25 feet.
      (5)   Rear yard. Every lot shall have a rear yard of not less than 25 feet. Necessary buildings or structures for accessory uses shall not occupy more than 40% of the required rear yard area, provided that where such rear yard abuts on streets, no garage or other building for accessory use shall be placed nearer than 15 feet from the line of such street. Further, regarding corner lots, where such rear yard abuts on an adjacent lot to the rear, the accessory building setback from such lot line shall be not less than five feet. If alleys are present to the rear lot line of the property, no building or accessory building shall be erected within five feet of the alley right-of-way.
      (6)   Side yards. Every lot shall have two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 10% of the width of the lot, or not less than 15 feet for lots of 150 feet or more in width. The width of the lot shall be determined at the front setback line of the structure to be built. If alleys are present to the rear lot line of the property, no building or accessory building shall be erected within five feet of the alley right-of-way.
      (7)   Building floor area. Every dwelling shall have a first floor area of not less than 720 square feet if the dwelling is one story or one and one-half stories in height, or 475 square feet if the dwelling is two stories in height.
      (8)   Density. Not more than one principal building or structure shall be permitted on any lot.
(Prior Code, § 1270.05) (Ord. passed 12-13-2014; Ord. passed 7-9-2020; Ord. passed 5-9-2024)