(A)   A proposed land division shall be approved upon satisfaction of all of the following requirements:
      (1)   The application for approval contains all of the information described in § 151.24;
      (2)   Each resulting parcel is accessible to an existing street or road by an existing or proposed driveway or access easement. If a driveway or access easement does not exist at the time a division is proposed, the applicant shall also comply with the requirements of division (B) below;
      (3)   The proposed division, together with any previous division(s) of the same parent parcel or parent tract, shall not result in a number of resulting parcels that is greater than that permitted under § 108 of the state’s Land Division Act;
      (4)   Each resulting parcel that is a development site (as defined in the Act) shall have adequate easements for public utilities from the resulting parcel to existing public utility facilities;
      (5)   Each resulting parcel which is ten acres or less in size shall have a depth which is not more than four times the width of a parcel. If the width of the parcel is irregular, the average width of the parcel shall be calculated and used for purposes of this provision. This depth to width ratio shall not apply to the remainder of the parent parcel or parent tract retained by the applicant; and
      (6)   All resulting parcels to be created by the proposed land division(s) shall comply with the applicable lot area and dimension requirements of the city’s Zoning Code for the zoning district(s) in which the resulting parcels are located.
   (B)   If a means of vehicular access to a resulting parcel does not exist at the time a land division is applied for, the proposed division shall not be approved unless the following requirements are satisfied:
      (1)   If a private driveway is proposed as a means of access, each resulting parcel shall have an area where a driveway or easement will provide vehicular access;
      (2)   If a private easement is proposed as a means of access, the proposed easement shall be in writing and signed by the owner of the parcel(s) within which the easement is to be located. Such easement shall provide a means of access over and across such parcel(s); and
      (3)   If a new public street is proposed as a means of access, the application shall provide proof that the proposed street or road complies with layout and construction design standards of the city as contained in §§ 155.060 through 155.066, 155.080 through 155.086, and 155.100 through 155.105 of these codified ordinances or other city ordinances relating to public streets, roads, utility easements, and drainage facilities.
   (C)   If a parcel resulting from a division is less than one acre in size, pursuant to the state’s Land Division Act, a building permit shall not be issued unless the parcel has all of the following:
      (1)   Public water, or Health Department approval for suitability of an on-site water supply; and
      (2)   Public sewer, or Health Department approval for suitability of on-site sewage disposal. The city, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable for approving a division resulting in a parcel less than one acre if a building permit is not issued for the parcel for reasons set forth in this subchapter, and the notice of approval of the division shall so state.
(Prior Code, § 1230.07)