(A)   Each of the following specific acts, omissions, places, conditions, and things are hereby declared to be nuisances, and unless otherwise permitted by law, are declared to constitute a public nuisance, and whenever the city official determines that any of these conditions exist, the city official may require or provide for the abatement thereof pursuant to this subchapter, or as otherwise authorized by law.
   (B)   The erecting, maintaining, using, placing, depositing, causing, allowing, leaving, or permitting to be or remain in or upon any private lot, building, structure, or premises, or in or upon any street, avenue, alley, park, parkway or other public or private place in the city, of any one or more of the following places, conditions, things, or acts to the prejudice, danger, or annoyance of others:
      (1)   Excavations or naturally occurring holes, including, but not limited to, privies, vaults, cesspools, sumps, pits, wells, or any other similar conditions, which are not secure and which constitute a concealed danger or other attractive nuisances;
      (2)   The discharge of sewage, human excrement, or other wastes in any location or manner, except through systems approved for the conveyance of such, to approved public or private disposal systems and which are constructed and maintained and authorized by this code;
      (3)   Filthy, littered, trash-covered, or overgrown premises abutting street and alley rights-of- way, to include, but not be limited to:
         (a)   Accumulation, handling, or removal of human or animal waste including bones, meats, hides, skins, or any part of the animal, fish, or fowl, from the premises;
         (b)   Overgrown, uncultivated, or unkempt vegetation of any type, including, but not limited to shrubs, brush, trees, weeds, blackberries, and grasses over one foot in height. Where erosion control issues or indigenous species are present, an exception or modification may be made to these requirements;
         (c)   Inappropriate disposal or accumulation of vegetation waste, including, but not limited to, grass clippings, cut brush, cut trees and/or weeds;
         (d)   An accumulation of garbage, litter, debris, rubble, hazardous waste, or blight, which includes, but is not limited to, improperly stored bottles, cans, paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, metal auto parts, tires, scrap wood, discarded or broken appliances, furniture, equipment, bicycles or parts thereof, barrels, boxes, crates, pallets, mattresses, clothing, household goods, construction materials, lumber, metal, improperly piled or stored firewood, or anything in which flies may breed or multiply, which provides harborage for rats, or other vermin, or which may be a fire hazard; or
         (e)   Inoperable, abandoned, disassem- bled, or dilapidated appliances, machinery, or vehicles. This particular provision shall not apply to lawfully operated storage facilities.
      (4)   The existence of any fences or other structures which are in a falling, decayed, dilapidated or unsafe condition;
      (5)   Any unsightly, abandoned, burned out, uninhabited, or deteriorated building or structure; or any building or structure constructed with inappropriate materials, or improperly fastened together or anchored against the forces of nature, or contrary to building standards and duly adopted building codes;
      (6)   The existence of any places which are likely to attract flies, mosquitoes, and vermin, or which are foul or malodorous, including, but not limited to, privies, vaults, cesspools, sumps and pits;
      (7)   The existence of any junk or refuse on any premises;
      (8)   The existence of any noxious weeds, growing or otherwise, without the proper retention in a covered receptacle, including, but not limited to, poison oak, poison ivy, Russian thistle or other such weeds;
      (9)   The existence of items that may become a fire hazard;
      (10)   The existence of any fence or other structure or thing on private property which is sagging, leaning, fallen, decayed, dilapidated or in an unsafe condition;
      (11)   The existence of any graffiti; or
      (12)   All property left in the public right-of-way, including, but not limited to any personal and household items, furniture, appliances, machinery, equipment, building materials, or other items, including property left on the public right-of-way as a result of an eviction or a forcible entry and detainer or unlawful action. Any such property left in the right-of-way for more than 48 hours shall be deemed abandoned and is hereby declared a public nuisance.
(Ord. 2015-5, passed 7-16-2015)