(A)   Operation; permission required; application; contents. No person, firm, or corporation shall, within the limits of this city, carry on the business of butchering or slaughtering animals or building, conducting, maintaining, or operating what is commonly called a slaughterhouse, packinghouse, or tannery without permission from the City Council, which shall have been first obtained on written application stating in detail the nature and character of the slaughterhouse, packinghouse, or tannery, the accessibility of the premises to sewerage and water facilities, the name of the person, firm, or corporation applying thereof, and a statement that such applicant will comply with the provisions of this section and all other ordinances of this city; provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to include persons who slaughter stock or who have stock slaughtered for them on their own premises for their own use and do not sell or offer to sell any of the meat so butchered.
(1978 Code, § 8.20.010)
   (B)   Connection with city sewerage system; requirements. Any such slaughterhouse or packinghouse may be connected with a public sewer emptying or discharging into the sanitary sewerage system of this city; provided, that proper inlets, catchbasins, and bell traps and all other facilities meet with the approval of the city; and provided, that wastes shall be handled in the following manner.
      (1)   Such packinghouse or slaughterhouse shall be connected with the public water system in such a manner that same may be easily and readily flushed with water under pressure.
      (2)   A grease trap on the outlet sewer line shall be provided with sufficient capacity to provide a five minute detention of wastes.
      (3)   The floor and slaughter room should be cleared of all paunch manure, bits of flesh, fats, intestines, hides, hair, and blood prior to flushing and cleaning the room and discharging such cleansing water into the sewer.
      (4)   All such offal and excrement from the slaughtering of animals shall be removed from the premises at least daily to some place outside the limits of this city and, until so removed, shall be kept in an air-tight container or barrel, and so kept and removed through the streets of this city in such air-tight container or barrel.
(1978 Code, § 8.20.020)
   (C)   Offensive accumulation of hides deemed nuisance; tallow rendering and/or tanning prohibited. It is unlawful to accumulate hides at such slaughterhouses or packinghouses to the extent or in such a manner that the same becomes a nuisance by emitting obnoxious or offensive smells, and the rendering of tallow or the process of tanning as it is known in this connection is strictly prohibited and forbidden.
(1978 Code, § 8.20.030)
(Ord. 213, passed - -1942) Penalty, see § 92.999