(A) Pole and line fishing only. Anglers must not use more than two poles, and each pole must not have more than two hooks or lures attached while fishing in Lake Nashville.
(B) Daily catch and size limits.
(1) Length is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail with the fish laid flat on a ruler, with the mouth closed and tail lobes pressed together.
(2) No person may remove the head or tail of fishes to which length limits apply while on the waters to which length limits apply. Regardless of where taken, no fish less than the specified minimum length or more than the daily catch shall be possessed on the waters to which length limits and/or daily catch limits apply; and
(3) Limits by type of fish:
(a) Channel Catfish: daily catch limit is six fish;
(b) Largemouth Bass.
1. Daily catch limit is six fish; and
2. All largemouth bass taken must be 18 inches in total length or longer.
(1978 Code, § 12.16.041)
(Ord. 560, passed - -1982; Ord. 577, passed - -1983) Penalty, see § 91.999