(a)   Access to Personnel Service Records
Employee service records shall only be accessible by the public to the extent required or permitted by law.
(b)   Causes for Discipline
(1)   Applicability and Overview
Any employee may be disciplined for just or proper cause. Violations of any municipal ordinance, statutes or other law of any political subdivision or any state, and violations of any or all city policies, rules or regulations or lawful orders shall constitute just or proper cause. Finally, any violation contained in a collective bargaining agreement shall also constitute proper cause for discipline as it relates to collective bargaining employees.
(2)   Closure of Items Related to Discipline
Employee's personal service record as it relates to discipline shall be marked closed for the purpose of progressive discipline in accordance with the following schedule; however, such shall be subject to the public records law:
•   Reprimands
Any reprimand shall be closed from the record after one (1) year from the date of the reprimand, providing there is no intervening disciplinary action during the one (1) year period.
   •    Suspensions Less Than Thirty (30) Days
Any suspension of less than thirty (30) days shall be closed from the record after a period of two (2) years, providing there is no intervening disciplinary action during the two (2) year period.
•   Suspensions Longer Than Thirty (30) Days
Any suspension of thirty (30) days or more shall be closed from the record after three (3) years, providing that there is no intervening disciplinary action during the three (3) year period.
(c)   Discipline Action as it Relates to Classified Employees
Where the City deems appropriate, the City will apply a policy of progressive and corrective discipline, with the progressive steps as follows: oral reprimand; written reprimand; suspension; demotion; or, dismissal (this section is not applicable to those persons or positions considered the appointing authority or to other unclassified employees). This section is not to be construed as prohibiting suspension or dismissal without progressive discipline where the cause for such suspension or dismissal is deemed warranted by the City due to the nature or circumstances of the conduct involved.
(1)   Oral and Written Reprimands
When it becomes necessary for a supervisor to reprimand a classified employee, it shall be done with discretion.
In the event that a supervisor finds it necessary to orally reprimand an employee and determines to keep a record of that oral reprimand, such employee shall be made aware that a record of such oral reprimand is being maintained in the City's files or records. Employees are not entitled to hearings for oral reprimands.
Classified Employees may appeal a written reprimand to a review officer designated by the appointing authority, but may not appeal the disciplinary action to the Civil Service Commission. Such review shall be informal and the rules of evidence shall not apply. A classified employee may thereafter submit a written statement to the appointing authority concerning the reprimand and outlining such employee's basis for concern, and a copy of such statement shall be appended to the copy of the reprimand in such employee's personal service record. Such statement must be filed within ten (10) days of the determination of the appointing authority to approve a reprimand.
The supervisor shall provide the classified employee with a copy of any written reprimand or any record of oral reprimand entered in such employee's file. The classified employee shall acknowledge receipt of same by signing and dating the original copy of such record.
(2)   Procedure for (Disciplinary) Suspension, Demotion, or Dismissal.
Classified employees shall not be suspended, demoted, or dismissed for disciplinary reasons from duty without first being afforded the opportunity for a disciplinary review before the appointing authority or his/her designee, except that, where it is necessary to immediately relieve the employee from duty due to gross misconduct, a department head or his/her designee may temporarily suspend such employee for a period not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
When a classified employee has been suspended without a disciplinary review, such employee shall be afforded a disciplinary review before the appointing authority or his/her designee within seventy-two (72) hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The employee's pay status for the days which he/she was suspended shall be determined by the appointing authority or his/her designee at the disciplinary review.
When a classified employee is charged with a violation that is likely to result in such employee receiving a disciplinary suspension, demotion, or dismissal, the following shall apply:
•   Except as provided above, the classified employee shall be given notice at least five (5) calendar days in advance of the disciplinary review and that notice shall advise such employee of the general nature of the suspected violation. The classified employee shall be advised in the notice of his/her right to be represented by counsel at such review.
Any disciplinary suspension, demotion, or dismissal may only be appealed as outlined in Section 197.03 (c)(3) below and in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. ("Appeals from Disciplinary Suspensions, Demotions and Dismissals")
(3)   Appeals from Disciplinary Suspensions, Demotions and Dismissals
Except for probationary employees, if a classified employee has been suspended for disciplinary reasons in excess of three (3) days or demoted or dismissed due to disciplinary reasons, he/she may file an appeal before the Civil Service Commission (hereinafter referred to as the commission).
A classified employee may not waive a disciplinary review before the appointing authority and then subsequently file an appeal before the commission.
An appeal must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after the appointing authority has determined to impose or uphold, whichever is later, a disciplinary suspension, demotion, or dismissal. Any appeal not submitted to the commission within such ten (10) calendar day time period shall be deemed settled on the basis of the determination given by the appointing authority at the disciplinary review.
(4)   Powers, Duties and Limits of Authority of Commission
The powers, duties, and limits of authority of the commission shall be as contained in City's Revised Code of General Ordinances and the Rules of the Civil Service Commission.
The decision of the commission may be appealed according to the Civil Service Rules to the Common Pleas Court of Henry County, Ohio.
Upon request, a copy of the work record shall be furnished to the classified employee.
(5)   Scheduling of Disciplinary Reviews
Disciplinary reviews called for in this Section may be scheduled at the discretion of the department head or appointing authority, whichever is applicable, taking into consideration the employee's work shift and subsequent appropriate rest time.
(d)   Discipline Action for Unclassified Employees
(1)   Unclassified
Pursuant to Article V, Section 5.01 (D) of the Charter, when not otherwise established in the Charter, council may determine that certain positions and employees in the civil service of the city are classified and that others are unclassified; nevertheless, at minimum, the department heads of the police department and fire department (i.e. chief of each department) shall be subject to civil service review for suspension in excess of three (3) days and/or dismissal.
(2)   Prior to Suspension or Termination
All compensated unclassified employees shall be given an opportunity to be heard by the authority that appointed them prior to suspension without pay or involuntary termination; however, no finding of cause need be made prior to suspending or terminating an unclassified employee. Such opportunity to be heard may be conducted in executive session when before the council unless objected to by council or the person who is the subject of the suspension or involuntary termination. The act of suspension or involuntary termination shall be in open meeting when involving the city manager, finance director or law director or any clerk of council.
(3)   Board Members or Commissions of the City
Section 197.03(d) is not applicable to members of boards or commissions of the City, the mayor, elected or appointed members of council.
   (Ord. 035-22. Passed 7-18-22.)