General Provisions
   153.001   Short title
   153.002   Purpose
   153.003   Authority and jurisdiction
   153.004   Public notice requirements
   153.005   Applicability and permit requirements
   153.006   Violations
   153.007   Alternate procedure for violations
   153.008   Interpretation
   153.009   Repealer and effect
   153.020   Decision making and administrative bodies
   153.021   City Council
   153.022   Planning Commission
   153.023   Appeal authority and variances
   153.024   Zoning Administrator
   153.025   Staff support
   153.026   Relief from personal liability
   153.027   Meetings and public hearings
Establishment of Zoning Districts
   153.040   Zoning by districts
   153.041   Description of districts
   153.042   Application procedure
Special Purpose Districts; Residential-Agricultural Overlay District
   153.055   Purpose
   153.056   Approval process
   153.057   Standards
Property Development Standards
   153.070   Purpose
   153.071   Allowed minimum use of legal lots
   153.072   Uses, buildings and structures to comply with district requirements
   153.073   Allowed uses
   153.074   Prohibited uses
   153.075   Culinary water and sanitary sewer requirements
   153.076   Certificate of occupancy required
   153.077   Required yard area for one building only
   153.078   Table of minimum lot and setback requirements
   153.079   Accessory buildings and accessory uses
   153.080   Smaller accessory buildings; exemption from building permit
   153.081   Outside storage of inoperative vehicles prohibited
   153.082   Floodplain standards
Supplementary Development Standards
   153.095   Purpose
   153.096   Residential facilities for persons with disability
   153.097   Substance abuse facilities within area of school
   153.098   Residential facilities for elderly persons
   153.099   Sexually oriented businesses
   153.100   Household pets
   153.101   Home occupations
Amendments to General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
   153.115   Scope
   153.116   Public uses conform to general plan
   153.117   Amendments to general plan
   153.118   Procedures for amending general plan
   153.119   Amendments to zoning ordinance and map
   153.120   Procedures for amending zoning ordinance and map (rezone)
   153.121   Criteria for approval of zoning text and/or map amendment
   153.122   Notice of pending amendments
Land Use Applications
   153.135   Purpose
   153.136   Applicability
   153.137   Application forms
   153.138   Completeness of application determined
   153.139   Payment of taxes and charges required
   153.140   Withdrawal of application
   153.141   Reapplication following denial
   153.142   Inspections
   153.143   Fee for processing applications
Definitions and Uses
   153.155   Table of uses
   153.156   Use definitions
Nonconforming Uses and Noncomplying Structures
   153.170   Conformance required
   153.171   Approval authority
   153.172   Expansion of nonconforming use or noncomplying structure
   153.173   Change of use
   153.174   Termination of nonconforming use due to abandonment
   153.175   Appeal
Conditional Uses
   153.190   Issuance and purpose
   153.191   Authority
   153.192   Initiation
   153.193   Findings and conditions
   153.194   Procedure for obtaining approval
   153.195   Revocation or modification of permit
   153.210   Purpose and authority
   153.211   Violations and building permits
   153.212   Types of violations
   153.213   Enforcement provisions
   153.214   Procedures for enforcement
   153.215   Revocation of approvals, permits and licenses
   153.216   Stop work order
   153.217   Appeal
   153.230   Scope of authority; application
   153.231   Use or supplementary regulation variance prohibited
   153.232   Standards
   153.233   Conditions
   153.234   Decision of variance
   153.235   Time limitation
   153.250   Appeal authorities
   153.251   Maximum time allowed to file appeal
   153.252   Requirements for appeal of land use authority decision
   153.253   Condition precedent to judicial review
   153.254   Action of appeal authority
   153.255   Standard of review for appeals
   153.256   District Court review
   153.270   Legislative declaration; subdivision defined
   153.271   Subdivisions and planned unit developments
   153.272   Intent
   153.273   Fees and charges
   153.274   Review process
   153.275   Effect of designation
   153.276   Amended plats
   153.999   Penalty
§ 153.001 SHORT TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be referred to as the “Myton City Land Use Ordinance”. This chapter may, in subsequent sections, be referred to as “ordinance”, “the ordinance”, “this ordinance”, “this chapter”, “zoning ordinance” or “subdivision ordinance”.
(Prior Code, § 10-1-1) (Ord. passed 8-10-2006)