As provided by state law (Government Code Section 65100), the Murrieta city planning commission, director, and development services department (referred to in this development code as the department) shall perform the functions of a planning agency.
(Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
A. Appointment. The director shall be appointed by the city manager.
B. Duties and Authority. The director shall:
1. Have the responsibility to perform all of the functions designated by state law (Government Code Section 65103) (Planning Agency Functions);
2. Have the responsibility and authority to grant applications for all administrative permits and approvals issued by the department, in compliance with Table 4-1;
3. Perform other responsibilities assigned by the council;
4. Be able to defer action on a decision subject to the director's authority and refer the application to the commission;
5. Perform the duties and functions as prescribed in this development code, which include the review of development projects, in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 65901 et seq.), Table 4-1 (Approval Authority and Public Hearing Requirements) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
6. Delegate the responsibilities of the director to department staff under the supervision of the director.
C. Supervision. The responsibilities of the director may be temporarily relegated to a designated department staff person in the following manner:
1. The responsibilities of the director may also be carried out by department staff under the supervision of the director; and
2. When the director designates a department staff person to act in place of the director, the staff person shall perform the duties assigned by the director in addition to those listed above, as appropriate to the personnel title of the staff designee.
Type of Action | Public Hearing Required | Planning Director | Planning Commission | City Council |
Agricultural Preserves and Land Conservation Contract Action (16.50) | x | Advisory | x | |
Certificates of Compliance (16.92.050) | x | |||
Conditional Use Permits (16.52) | x | x | ||
Minor Conditional Use Permits (16.52) | x (Subject to Review Process)E | x | ||
Development Agreements (16.54) | x | Advisory | x | |
Development Code Amendments (16.58) | x | Advisory | x |
Development Plan Permits (16.56) | x (Subject to Review Process)G | x | ||
Final Maps (16.98) | x | |||
General Plan Amendments (16.58) | x | Advisory | x | |
Home Occupation Permits (16.60) | x | |||
Lot Line Adjustments (16.102) | x | |||
Master Development Plans (16.64) | x | Advisory | x | |
Parcel Maps, Residential - Director Determination (16.140) (16.98) | x (Subject to Review Process)F | x | ||
Parcel Maps, Industrial and Commercial (16.98) | x | x | ||
Parcel Mergers (16.104) | x | |||
Reversions to Acreage (16.104) | x | x | ||
Sign Permits (16.38.040) | x | |||
Specific Plans (16.66) | x | Advisory | x | |
Surface Mining Permits (16.68) | x | x | ||
Temporary Use Permits (16.70) | x | |||
Time Extensions (16.80) | x | |||
Tract Maps (16.92) | x | x | ||
Variance (16.72) | x | x | ||
Minor Variances (16.72) | x | |||
Vesting Maps (16.96) | x | x | ||
Zoning Clearances (16.74) | x | |||
Zoning Map Amendments (16.58) | x | Advisory | x
| |
A. For matters that are considered to have special significance or impact, the director may refer the items to the commission for determination.
B. A decision of the director may be appealed to the commission. A decision of the corn mission may be appealed to the council (see Chapter 16.78).
C. Minor changes to an approved project may be approved in compliance with Section 16.80.070 (Changes to Approved Projects).
D. Accessory dwelling units may be developed in compliance with Section 16.44.160 (Accessory Dwelling Units).
E. Minor Conditional Use Permits shall be subject to the director's review process and referral to Planning Commission as described with Section 16.52.020.B.2 (Authority to Approve Minor Conditional Use Permits) through B.4 (Director's Decision on Minor Conditional Use Permits).
(Ord. 556 § 17, 2020; Ord. 367 § 7 (part), 2006; Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)