16.28.080 Landscape Standards.
Landscape areas and materials shall be designed, installed, and maintained in compliance with the following:
A.   General Design Standards. The following features shall be incorporated into the design of the proposed landscape and shown on required landscape plans:
   1.   Landscaping shall be planned as an integral part of the overall project design and not simply located in excess space after parking areas and structures have been planned;
   2.   Pedestrian access to sidewalks and structures shall be considered in the design of all landscaped areas;
   3.   Landscape planting shall be provided for all adjacent public rights-of-way, in compliance with Chapter 16.108 (Improvements);
   4.   With the exception of single-family residential units, landscape adjacent to driveways and parking areas shall be protected from vehicle damage through the provision of minimum six (6) inch high concrete curbs or other types of barriers as approved by the director;
   5.   Landscaped areas shall not be less than five (5) feet in width, except where determined by the director;
   6.   Concrete strips, a minimum of four (4) inches in width, shall be provided to separate all turf areas from other landscaped areas, except for single-family residential landscape projects;
   7.   Permeable surfaces shall be used wherever permissible in place of impervious paving, to encourage on-site water infiltration and support water conservation measures. Permeable surfaces shall be identified on plans; and
   8.   Protective tree grates shall be provided for trees planted in pedestrian areas, except for single-family residential landscape projects and as determined by the director.
B.   Plant Materials. Plant materials shall be selected and installed to comply with the following requirements:
   1.   A mix of plant materials shall be provided in compliance with the following table (Table 3-5). Calculations documenting the required mix shall be shown on the landscape plan;
Table 3-5
Plant Material
Minimum Required Percentage
Table 3-5
Plant Material
Minimum Required Percentage
Twenty-four (24) inch box
Fifteen- (15)-gallon
Five- (5-) gallon
One- (1-) gallon (herbaceous only) with city approval
Coverage within two (2) years
A greater percentage of specimen trees may be utilized with a corresponding reduction in the number of fifteen- (15-) gallon trees subject to the review of the director.
   2.   Trees for shade shall be provided for buildings/structures, as well as for parking lots and open space areas. These trees can be deciduous or evergreen and are to be incorporated to provide natural cooling opportunities for the purpose of energy and water conservation;
   3.   Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures, at an equivalent of at least one (1) tree per thirty (30) linear feet of structure. Other areas shall provide trees at a ratio of one (1) tree for each three hundred (300) square feet of landscaped area. The clustering of trees is encouraged;
   4.   Mature specimen trees in thirty-six (36) inch and forty-eight (48) inch boxes shall be provided for large projects in sufficient quantity subject to the approval of the director, to provide variety and emphasis at main focal areas;
   5.   All trees shall be staked or guyed (on a case-by-case basis) subject to the review of the director and in compliance with city standards;
   6.   Trees and shrubs shall be planted so that at maturity they do not interfere with service lines and traffic safety sight areas;
   7.   Trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in a manner that protects the basic rights of adjacent property owners, particularly the right to solar access;
   8.   Trees planted near public sidewalks or curbs shall be of a species and installed in a manner that prevents physical damage to sidewalks, curbs, gutters and other public improvements; and
   9.   Groundcover shall be of live plant material. Limited quantities of gravel, colored rock, bark, and similar materials may be used in combination with a living groundcover.
(Ord. 539 § 10, 2018; Ord. 443 §3, 2010; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)