16.26.050 Designation Criteria for Cultural Resources Archaeological Districts and Historic Districts.
For the purposes of the ordinance codified in this section, an improvement or natural feature may be designated a cultural resource by the city council and any area within the city may be designated as an archaeological district or historic preservation district by the city council if it meets any of the following criteria:
   A.   individual Resource Designation.
      1.   It exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, architectural, aesthetic, social, economic, political, artistic and/or engineering heritage;
      2.   it is identified with persons, a business use or events significant in local, state or national history;
      3.   it embodies distinctive characteristics of style. type, period or method of construction or is a valuable ex-ample of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship;
      4.   It is representative of the notable work of a builder, designer or architect; or
      5.   Its unique location or singular physical characteristic represents an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community or the city:
   B.   Local District Designation.
A geographic area may be designated as a local archaeological district or historic preservation district if the city council, after hearing(s) finds that all of the requirements set forth below are met. Concurrent with the designation of a historic preservation district, design guidelines shall be developed and shall apply to all properties within the historic preservation district.
      1.   Archaeological District.
         a.    The area is a geographically definable area:
         b.    The area possesses either:
            1.   A significant concentration or continuity of archaeological resources; or
            2.   The area is associated with the prehistory of Murrieta.
         c.    The designation of the geographic area as an archaeological district is reasonable, appropriate, and necessary to protect, promote and further the goals and purposes of the ordinance codified in this chapter and is not inconsistent with other goals and policies of the city.
      2.   Historic Preservation District.
         a.    The area is a geographically definable area:
         b.    The area possesses either:
            1.   A significant concentration or continuity of buildings unified by past events or aesthetically by plan or physical development; or
            2.   The area is associated with an event, person, or period significant or important to Murrieta history.
         c.    The designation of the geographic area as a historic preservation district is reasonable, appropriate, and necessary to protect, promote and further the goals and purposes of the ordinance codified in this chapter and is not inconsistent with other goals and policies of the city.
         d.    Determining Factors. In determining whether to designate a historic preservation district, the following factors shall be considered:
            1.   District should have integrity of design, setting, materials, workmanship, and association.
            2.   The collective value of the buildings and structures in a district taken together may be greater than the value of each individual building or structure.
      3.   Contributing Resources. Contributing resources may be included in a historic preservation district if the city council finds, after a hearing(s) that all of the following requirements are satisfied:
         a.   The nominated resource is within a historic preservation district;
         b.   The nominated resource either embodies the significant features and characteristics of the district or adds to the historical associations. architectural qualities or archaeological values identified for the district;
         c.   The nominated resource was present during the period of historical significance of the district and relates to the documented historical significance of the district;
         d.   The nominated resource possesses historic integrity or is capable of yielding important information about the period of historical significance or the district; and
         e.   The nominated resource has important historic or architectural worth, and its designation as a contributing resource is reasonable, appropriate and necessary to protect, promote and further the goals and purposes of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(Ord. 237 (part), 2001)