Title 3
3.04 Fiscal Provisions Generally
3.08 Purchasing System
3.12 Claims and Demands Against City
3.16 Real Property Transfer Tax
3.20 Sales and Use Tax
3.22 Transactions and Use Tax
3.24 Transient Occupancy Tax
3.28 Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund
3.32 Fee and Service Charge Revenue/Cost Comparison System
3.36 Fees for State-Franchised Video Service Providers
3.04.010 Investment of city moneys and deposit of securities.
3.04.020 Authorized investments.
3.04.030 Sales of securities.
3.04.040 City bonds.
3.04.050 Reports.
3.04.060 Deposits of securities.
3.04.070 Trust fund administration.
3.04.080 Collection of debts to the city.
3.04.090 Assessment and collection of city taxes by county.
3.04.100 Independent audit.
Pursuant to, and in accordance with, and to the extent allowed by, Sections 53607 and 53608 of the Government Code, the authority to invest and reinvest moneys of the city, to sell or exchange securities, and to deposit them and provide for their safekeeping, is delegated to the city treasurer.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 3.08.010)
Pursuant to the delegation of authority in Section 3.04.010 of this chapter, the city treasurer is authorized to purchase, at their original sale or after they have been issued, securities which are permissible investments under any provision of state law relating to the investing of general city funds, including but not limited to Sections 53601 and 53635 of the Government Code, as the sections now read or may hereafter be amended, from moneys in his or her custody which are not required for the immediate necessities of the city and as he or she may deem wise and expedient, and to sell or exchange for other eligible securities and reinvest the proceeds of the securities so purchased. (Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 3.08.020)
From time to time the city treasurer shall sell the securities in which city moneys have been invested pursuant to this chapter, so that the proceeds may, as appropriate, be applied to the purchase for which the original purchase money may have been designated or placed in the city treasury.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 3.08.030)
Bonds issued by the city and purchased pursuant to this chapter may be canceled either in satisfaction of sinking fund obligations or otherwise if proper and appropriate; provided, however, that the bonds may be held uncanceled and while so held may be resold.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 3.08.040)