A.   As used in this section:
   CRIME VICTIM: A victim of:
      1.   Domestic violence, as defined in section 77-36-1 of the Utah Code;
      2.   Stalking as defined in section 76-5-106.5 of the Utah Code;
      3.   A crime under title 76, chapter 5, part 4, Sexual Offenses, of the Utah Code;
      4.   Burglary or aggravated burglary under sections 76-6-202 or 76-6-203 of the Utah Code; or
      5.   Dating violence, consisting of verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, or sexual abuse of one person by another in a dating relationship.
PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCY: A governmental entity that provides fire protection, law enforcement, ambulance, medical, or similar service.
   B.   An acceptable form of documentation of an act listed in subsection A of this section is:
      1.   A protective order protecting the renter issued pursuant to title 78B, chapter 7, part 1, Cohabitant Abuse Act, of the Utah Code, subsequent to a hearing of which the petitioner and respondent have been given notice under title 78B, chapter 7, part 1, Cohabitant Abuse Act, of the Utah Code; or
      2.   A copy of a police report documenting an act listed in subsection A of this section.
   C.   1. A renter who is a crime victim may require the renter's owner to install a new lock to the renter's residential rental unit if the renter:
         a.   Provides the owner with an acceptable form of documentation of an act listed in subsection A of this section; and
         b.   Pays for the cost of installing the new lock.
      2.   An owner may comply with subsection C1 of this section by:
         a.   Rekeying the lock if the lock is in good working condition; or
         b.   Changing the entire locking mechanism with a locking mechanism of equal or greater quality than the lock being replaced.
      3.   An owner who installs a new lock under subsection C1 of this section may retain a copy of the key that opens the new lock.
      4.   Notwithstanding any rental agreement, an owner who installs a new lock under subsection C1 of this section shall refuse to provide a copy of the key that opens the new lock to the perpetrator of the act listed in subsection A of this section.
      5.   Notwithstanding section 78B-6-814 of the Utah Code, if an owner refuses to provide a copy of the key under subsection C4 of this section to a perpetrator who is not barred from the residential rental unit by a protective order but is a renter on the rental agreement, the perpetrator may file a petition with a court of competent jurisdiction within thirty (30) days to establish whether:
         a.   The perpetrator should be given a key and allowed access to the residential rental unit; or
         b.   The perpetrator should be relieved of further liability under the rental agreement because of the owner's exclusion of the perpetrator from the residential rental unit.
      6.   Notwithstanding subsection C5b of this section, a perpetrator may not be relieved of further liability under the rental agreement if the perpetrator is found by the court to have committed the act upon which the landlord's exclusion of the perpetrator is based.
   D.   A renter who is a victim of domestic violence, as defined in section 77-36-1 of the Utah Code, may terminate a rental agreement if the renter:
      1.   Is in compliance with:
         a.   All provisions of section 57-22-5 of the Utah Code; and
         b.   All obligations under the rental agreement;
      2.   Provides the owner:
         a.   Written notice of termination; and
         b.   A protective order protecting the renter from a domestic violence perpetrator or a copy of a police report documenting that the renter is a victim of domestic violence and did not participate in the violence; and
      3.   No later than the date that the renter provides a notice of termination under subsection D2a of this section, pays the owner the equivalent of forty five (45) days' rent for the period beginning on the date that the renter provides the notice of termination.
   E.   An owner may not:
      1.   Impose a restriction on a renter's ability to request assistance from a public safety agency; or
      2.   Penalize or evict a renter because the renter makes reasonable requests for assistance from a public safety agency. (Ord. 17-31)