Each renter shall:
   A.   Comply with the rules of the Salt Lake Valley Health Department which materially affect physical health and safety;
   B.   Maintain the premises occupied in a clean and safe condition and not unreasonably burden any common area;
   C.   Dispose of all garbage and other waste in a clean and safe manner and shall not leave garbage or litter in hallways, porches, patios and other common areas;
   D.   Maintain all plumbing fixtures in as sanitary a condition as the fixtures permit;
   E.   Use all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, and other facilities and appliances in a reasonable manner;
   F.   Promptly inform the property owner of any defective conditions or problems at the premises;
   G.   Upon vacating the premises, restore the premises to their initial condition except for reasonable wear and tear or conditions caused by the owner;
   H.   Be current on all payments required by the rental agreement;
   I.   Dispose of oil, car batteries, and other household hazardous waste and any hazardous materials in a manner prescribed by Federal, State and local laws;
   J.   Comply with each rule, regulation or requirement of the rental agreement, including any prohibition on, or the allowance of, smoking tobacco products within the residential rental unit, or on the premises, or both; and
   K.   Otherwise occupy the residential rental unit in the manner for which it was designed. (Ord. 17-31)