A.   At or before the commencement of the rental term under a rental agreement, an owner shall:
      1.   Disclose in writing to the renter:
         a.   The owner's name, address and telephone number; or
         b.   (1) The name, address and telephone number of any person authorized to manage the residential rental unit; or
            (2)   The name, address and telephone number of any person authorized to act for and on behalf of the owner for purposes of receiving notice under this chapter or performing the owner's duties under this chapter or under the rental agreement, if the person authorized to manage the residential rental unit does not have authority to receive notice under this chapter; and
      2.   Provide the renter:
         a.   An executed copy of the rental agreement, if the rental agreement is a written agreement; and
         b.   A copy of any rules and regulations applicable to the residential rental unit.
   B.   Before an owner and a prospective renter enter into a rental agreement, the owner shall:
      1.   Provide the prospective renter a written inventory of the condition of the residential rental unit, excluding ordinary wear and tear;
      2.   Furnish the renter a form to document the condition of the residential rental unit and then allow the renter a reasonable time after the renter's occupancy of the residential rental unit to complete and return the form; or
      3.   Provide the prospective renter an opportunity to conduct a walkthrough inspection of the residential rental unit.
   C.   An owner shall disclose in writing to an applicant for a residential rental unit:
      1.   If there is an anticipated availability in the residential rental unit; and
      2.   The criteria that the owner will review as a condition of accepting the applicant as a tenant in the residential rental unit, including criteria related to the applicant's criminal history, credit, income, employment or rental history.
   D.   An owner may not accept a rental application from an applicant, or charge an applicant a rental application fee, before the owner complies with the disclosure requirement in subsection C of this section.
   E.   An owner's failure to comply with a notice requirement under subsection A, B or C of this section may not be used by the renter as a basis to excuse the renter's compliance with a rental agreement, or give rise to any cause of action against the owner.
   F.   Before entering into a lease or rental agreement, the owner shall disclose in writing to a renter:
      1.   Any notice by a utility provider to terminate water, gas, electrical or other utility services to the dwelling unit or to common areas of the building, and the proposed date of termination of such utility; and
      2.   Any current uncorrected Building or Health Code violation included in a deficiency list or notice from the City, Salt Lake Valley Board of Health, or any other government entity. (Ord. 17-31)