15.28.020: DEFINITIONS:
As used in this chapter:
OWNER: The owner, lessor, or sublessor of a residential rental unit. A managing agent, leasing agent, or resident manager is considered an owner for purposes of notice and other communication required or allowed under this chapter unless the agent or manager specifies otherwise in writing in the rental agreement.
RENTAL AGREEMENT: Any agreement, written or oral, which establishes or modifies the terms, conditions, rules, or any other provisions regarding the use and occupancy of a residential rental unit.
RENTAL APPLICATION: An application required by an owner as a prerequisite to the owner entering into a rental agreement for a residential rental unit.
RENTER: Any person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a residential rental unit to the exclusion of others.
RESIDENTIAL RENTAL UNIT: A renter's principal place of residence and includes the appurtenances, grounds, and facilities held out for the use of the residential renter generally, and any other area or facility provided to the renter in the rental agreement. It does not include facilities contained in a boarding or rooming house or similar facility, mobile home lot, or recreational property rented on an occasional basis. (Ord. 17-31)