A.   City support services will be provided for special events as determined by the City to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, at City's cost, payable by the event organizer.
      1.   Before City approval is granted to hold the event or begin filming, the event organizer shall pay the estimated support fees as determined by the City based on the application and past experience with similar events.
      2.   City support costs include, but are not limited to, police, fire, and EMT protection, park maintenance, power, water, road closures, cleanup of City facilities before, during, or after the event, and other costs to City directly attributable to the special event.
      3.   City support services will be limited to the minimum necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and the public's use of City property. Police protection needs will be determined and assigned by the City Police Chief or designee. Park maintenance as well as the closure of roads and streets will be administered by the City Parks and Recreation Department. The event organizer may be obligated to pay other public entities such as Salt Lake County for support services in addition to those incurred by the City.
      4.   The event organizer will be billed by the City for the remaining support fees above the estimated costs paid prior to receiving City approval, if any, no later than thirty (30) days after the event has been held or film production closed. Amounts are due and payable within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice. Any refund due to the event organizer will be paid by the City within thirty (30) days after the event if actual costs are less than the estimate.
      5.   Any special electrical power needs shall be coordinated with the City Power Department. Estimated costs of special power needs will be paid by the event organizer to the City prior to City approval of the special event and in advance of installation of electrical support facilities. Retirement of special electrical facilities will be included in the estimated costs.
   B.   The following are prohibited in City parks without prior approval of the City:
      1.   Alcoholic beverages;
      2.   Fireworks and fire;
      3.   Camping or lodging;
      4.   Conducting business or sale of merchandise;
      5.   Amplified sound; or
      6.   Setup of automobiles, inflatable devices, dunking booths or other structures.
   C.   The event organizer shall provide police and fire protection and traffic crowd control to the extent determined by the City Police Chief, City Fire Chief or designees at the sole expense of the event organizer.
   D.   Barricades shall be provided by the event organizer and must meet the requirement established by the City Parks and Recreation Director or designee.
   E.   The use of a park facility for the start and finish of races, runs, walks, bicycle races and for any other event, or portion of event, shall be subject to charges for services and will be held in accordance with City policies and procedures.
   F.   City assumes no liability for the safety of participants or spectators. Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, liability insurance may be required of event organizers. The event organizer shall be strictly liable to City for any damage to City property caused by the event. If it is determined that liability insurance is required, proof of insurance must be submitted to the City before approval of the special event is given.
   G.   Movie and commercial filming events are subject to the following additional requirements:
      1.   Production and support vehicles may not be parked overnight on any street in a residential zone without the express written permission from the City.
      2.   Use of any pyrotechnic or similar flammable visual display must be approved by the City.
      3.   The organizer's contact person shall notify neighboring businesses and residents in advance of filming and inform them about the potential impact of the event. The City may determine the extent of this notice requirement.
   H.   For events that are scheduled to occur on property owned by other governmental entities such as Salt Lake County, the event organizer must have a special events permit or approval from the other governmental entity before the City approves the special event, provided that the other governmental entity approval may be conditional on receiving City approval.
   I.   Approval by another governmental entity does not mean the City has approved. (Ord. 18-06: Ord. 17-18)