A.   Title 76 of the Utah Code is adopted by reference as follows:
      1.   Chapters 1 through 4 of title 76 of the Utah Code are adopted by reference in their entirety;
      2.   Chapters 5 through 10 of title 76 of the Utah Code are adopted by reference to the extent that those chapters describe criminal violations which are classified therein as either an infraction, Class C misdemeanor, or Class B misdemeanor, and the classifications of offenses and the penalties prescribed for those violations as provided by State law are adopted by reference.
   B.   Chapters 37, 37a, 37b, and 37c of title 58 of the Utah Code, pertaining generally to controlled substances, are adopted by reference to the extent that those chapters describe criminal violations which are classified as either infractions, Class C misdemeanors, or Class B misdemeanors. The classifications of offenses and the penalties prescribed for those violations as provided by State law are adopted by reference.
   C.   Title 32B of the Utah Code is adopted by reference to the extent that the title describes criminal violations which are classified as either infractions, Class C misdemeanors, or Class B misdemeanors. The classifications of offenses and the penalties prescribed for those violations as provided by State law are adopted by reference.
   D.   Section 76-10-2301 of the Utah Code, pertaining to contributing to the delinquency of minors and defining and classifying offenses and providing a penalty therefor, is adopted by reference. (Ord. 17-25)