The Village Mixed Use (VMU) Zone should only be considered where Murray City officials find that mixed-use zoning will result in land use patterns and development that will meet a minimum of five (5) of the following goals. The application of the VMU Zone should foster development proposals that:
   A.   Result in high-quality redevelopment of commercial properties.
   B.   Retain and/or rehabilitate the commercial use of a significant portion of the property area.
   C.   Facilitate the adaptive re-use of existing commercial structures.
   D.   Increase local access to commercial services for in-project residents as well as for the residents of the immediately surrounding and nearby neighborhoods.
   E.   Promote a greater variety of housing options within Murray neighborhoods.
   F.   Promote opportunities for life-cycle housing, and housing for moderate income households.
   G.   Provide increased walkability on the project site and result in walkable connections to the surrounding residential neighborhoods.
   H.   Create and contribute to a sense of place and community.
   I.   Result in improved conditions for buffering and transition between the project site and adjacent residential uses. (Ord. 21-21)