A.   The requirements in this section describe the amount of space required between buildings and property lines.
   B.   All buildings in this zone, including accessory buildings, are required to maintain a minimum distance from property lines as follows:
      1.   Front: Twenty feet (20'). The Planning Commission may reduce the front setback from twenty feet (20') to ten feet (10') if in its judgment the reduction provides a more efficient use of the property. Such setbacks will be determined during the site plan review process.
      2.   Sides: Twenty feet (20') and where adjacent to a Residential Zone. The Planning Commission may reduce the side yard setbacks from twenty feet (20') to ten feet (10') where the side property line abuts a Commercial, Industrial, or Open Space Zone. Such setbacks will be determined during the site plan review process. In the event that the side of the building faces an arterial or collector street, there shall be a setback of twenty feet (20').
      3.   Rear: Twenty feet (20') and where adjacent to a Residential Zone. The Planning Commission may reduce the rear setback from twenty feet (20') to ten feet (10') where the rear property line abuts a Commercial, Industrial, or Open Space Zone. Such setbacks will be determined during the site plan review process. In the event that the rear of the building faces an arterial or collector street, there shall be a setback of twenty feet (20'). The Planning Commission may reduce this if in its judgment the reduction provides a more efficient use of the property.
      4.   Other General Requirements: In addition to the specific setback requirements noted above, no building shall be closer than five feet (5') to any private road, driveway, or parking space to provide for building foundation landscaping and to provide protection to the building. Also, the burden of proof to reduce any setback requirement listed above will be placed on the property owner or design professional prior to Planning Commission review. (Ord. 18-10)