Utilities, mechanical equipment placement and screening and service entries shall be considered early on in a project to minimize the impact both visually and acoustically and to address safety concerns. The visual impacts of utilities and mechanical equipment and any service area canopy shall be minimized using the following techniques:
   A.   Service entrances, waste disposal areas and other similar uses shall be located to the side or rear of buildings and shall be oriented toward service lanes and away from major streets.
   B.   Service areas shall be positioned to minimize conflicts with other abutting uses.
   C.   Screening walls/landscaping shall be provided to minimize visual impact of service and utility areas, using materials consistent with building design to integrate service and utility areas into design.
   D.   Screen height shall be sufficient to conceal view from right-of-way and public areas of site.
   E.   Screening shall be required for both ground level mounted and rooftop mounted mechanical equipment and utilities.
   F.   Height of screening around outdoor/rooftop equipment shall be limited to the minimum height necessary to screen equipment from public view including adjacent properties' circulation routes.
   G.   Mechanical equipment, satellite dishes, vents, flues, and associated penetrations shall not be located on a roof slope that faces the public right-of-way.
   H.   Mechanical equipment may be screened by extension of the roof parapet if no rooftop equipment is visible from any public right-of-way within five hundred feet (500').
   I.   Ground screening materials shall be of the same or complementary material/detailing as that of the main structure. (Ord. 21-21: Ord. 19-40)