A.    Where Allowed. Electronic message center (EMC) signs for both on-premise and off-premise signs are only allowed in the C-D, C-N, G-O, M-G, M-U, B-P and P-O zones.
   B.   Conditional Use Permit Required. EMC signs require conditional use permit approval.
      1.   Exception. An off-premise, interstate oriented sign which includes an EMC does not require conditional use approval.
   C.    In addition to the restrictions found in this Chapter and the other chapters which apply to the zones mentioned above, EMC signs are subject to the following restrictions:
      1.   All EMC's must have an automatic dimmer to reduce sign intensity after dark.
      2.   EMC's shall be carefully oriented so that light emitted from a sign is not a traffic hazard, obtrusive, or a nuisance to adjacent properties.
      3.   Persons installing or manufacturing an EMC sign which has an LED, LCD, or flipper matrix must demonstrate that the brightness of such sign will not exceed 0.3 foot-candles over ambient lighting conditions as measured at a point perpendicular to the electronic sign face. Such signs must also be equipped with a dimmer switch to change the intensity of light emitted from the sign to meet the 0.3 foot-candle brightness if needed after installation.
      4.   Any display on the EMC must remain lighted for at least two (2) seconds.
      5.   An EMC located within three hundred feet (300') of a residential use, or as otherwise determined by the Planning Commission, may not operate between the hours of ten o’clock (10:00) P.M. and six o’clock (6:00) A.M. of the following day, or shall hold static on a single image and shall not cause illuminance in excess of three tenths (0.3) foot-candles over ambient lighting conditions as measured at a point perpendicular to the electronic sign face at a distance in feet calculated as follows:
   Measurement Distance =
      6.   A minimum of five percent (5%) of the time the sign is in use the message shall be devoted to public service messages.
      7.   An interstate oriented off-premise sign may have a total EMC sign area of six hundred seventy two (672) square feet per side (a maximum of two (2) sides are allowed) and must be at least three hundred (300) feet away from a residential use. If a residential use is located within a C-D, M-G, B-P or P-O zone, a sign can be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine a sufficient distance.
      8.   A non-interstate oriented off-premise sign may have a total EMC sign area of three hundred (300) square feet per side (a maximum of two (2) sides are allowed) and must be at least 300 feet away from a residential use.
(Ord. 19-42 § 2: Ord. 19-14)