A.   Interpretation: The sign regulations contained in this chapter are declared to be the maximum allowed for the purposes set forth. Any sign not expressly allowed by this chapter is prohibited.
   B.   Authorities: The Community and Economic Development Director or designee shall be vested with the duty of enforcing this chapter and in performance of such duty shall be empowered and directed to:
      1.   Issue Permits: Unless stipulated otherwise, a sign permit is required to erect, install, paint, or change the face of any sign, whether it be temporary or permanent in nature. This includes new signs, signs to be added to existing buildings or uses, and existing signs that are to be enlarged, changed, or modified. If no action is taken, the expiration date for such permits shall be one hundred eighty (180) days in conjunction with building permits.
      2.   Determine Conformance: The building official or designee may make any necessary inspection(s) of any sign for which a permit has been issued and for which an inspection has been deemed necessary. Such inspection shall be performed to ascertain that all signs, construction, and all reconstruction or modifications of existing signs are built or constructed in conformance with this chapter and as represented at the application for a permit.
      3.   Issue Notices Of Violations And Citations: The Community and Economic Development Director or designee shall issue a written notice of violation to the person having charge, control, or benefit of any sign found to be hazardous, abandoned, non- maintained, or in violation of this Sign Code. Such official may also take criminal or civil action against violators. (Ord. 19-14)