The City Council finds and declares:
   A.   An excess of large, unregulated signage causes visual blight on the appearance of Murray City, and may obstruct views which can distract the attention of motorists and pedestrians, may negatively impact local property values, may displace alternative land uses, and may pose other problems that legitimately call for regulation.
   B.   It is the intent of this Sign Code to preserve and enhance the aesthetic, traffic safety, and environmental values of Murray City while at the same time providing for ample and adequate means of communication to the public, including, but not limited to, providing a wide latitude for a variety and design of signs to promote local businesses within the City.
   C.   The purpose of this Sign Code is to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of Murray City residents and businesses by reviewing the design, materials, size, construction, installation, location and maintenance of signs and sign structures in a content neutral manner that does not favor any type of speech over another in order to achieve the following goals and objectives:
      1.   Reduce potential hazards to motorists and pedestrians;
      2.   Encourage signs which are integrated and harmonious to the building and sites they occupy;
      3.   To reduce or eliminate excessive and confusing sign displays;
      4.   To preserve and improve the appearance of the City as a place in which to live, work, and play and attract non-residents who come to visit or trade;
      5.   To safeguard and enhance property values;
      6.   To foster a community character that has a minimum of visual clutter. (Ord. 19-14)