The Planning Commission’s main function is the adoption and amendments of this chapter. It has primary responsibility in guiding the overall planning activities of the city.
   (A)   Establishment. The Planning Commission is established as provided by KRS Chapter 100. Appointments and terms are made as provided for by state law and local city ordinances.
   (B)   Proceedings.
      (1)   The Planning Commission shall conduct monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. The meeting date and time may be changed by mutual agreement of the Planning Commission. The establishment of this regular date does not preclude the Planning Commission from scheduling additional public hearings whenever such meetings are deemed necessary.
      (2)   The Chair of the Planning Commission or Planning staff shall give seven days written or oral notice of a special meeting. The notice shall contain the date, time, and place of the meeting, and the subject or subjects which will be discussed. The Planning Commission shall conduct business only when a majority of the total membership is present constituting a quorum. The Commission may adopt bylaws for the transaction of business and shall keep minutes and records of all proceedings, including regulations, transactions, findings, determinations, the number of votes for and against each question, whether any member is absent or abstains from voting, all of which shall immediately after adoption, be filed in the City Planning office. A transcript of the minutes of the Commission meeting shall be provided if requested by a party, at the expense of the requesting party, and the transcript shall constitute the record.
   (C)   Powers. The Murray Planning Commission shall have the following general powers. The commission may employ or contract with planners or other persons as it deems necessary to accomplish its assigned duties. The Commission shall have the right to receive, hold, and spend funds which it may legally receive from any and every source in and out of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, including the United States Government, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this zoning code. The Chair of the Planning Commission shall have the power to administer oaths to witnesses prior to their testifying before the Commission on any issue.
   (D)   Other authority. The Planning Commission, in addition to its other responsibilities concerning adoption and amendment of this chapter, has the authority and responsibility for reviewing all planned development projects. This responsibility, like subdivision plat review, involves guiding the initial disposition of land including the proper arrangement of streets in relation to other existing or planned streets, provision of adequate open space, and the avoidance of congestion and is consequently equivalent to the Planning Commission’s primary responsibility for subdivision plat review and approval.
   (E)   Administrative procedure.
      (1)   The circuit court has jurisdiction to determine all questions and issues properly brought before it on appeal from decisions of the Planning Commission.
      (2)   Applications shall be filed with the Zoning Official for any action to come before the Planning Commission. Applications shall be obtained from the Zoning Official and properly filled out according to their instruction and returned prior to their consideration. The Zoning Official shall review all applications for their completeness. A fee as established by the City Council will be charged for all applications.
      (3)   The Administrative Procedure for a zoning amendment is contained in §§ 156.060 through 156.066.
(Am. Ord. 2023-1844, passed 5-25-23)
Cross reference:
   For Planning commission membership and procedure, see §§ 32.50-32.55