(A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      PUBLIC DANCE. Includes any dance, rock festival, masquerade or ball given or conducted for which a fee, contribution or collection for the purpose of admission is charged; provided, that this term shall not be construed to include dances, music festivals, masquerades or balls to which admission is limited strictly to persons expressly invited by the person, organization or society giving or holding such dance, masquerade or ball and which is not given or conducted designedly for profit or gain to such person, organization or society giving or conducting the same; and provided further, that the provisions herein shall not apply to any dance conducted under the supervision and direction of the governing body of any college or school district within the municipality.
(Prior Code, § 10-701)
   (B)   Supervision. Any village law enforcement officer(s) shall be permitted to enter any public dance for the purpose of inspection at any time. The governing body is hereby empowered to appoint or designate an Inspector to be present at any and all public dances conducted within the municipality. The Inspector shall take the oath required of a law enforcement officer and shall have all the powers and duties conferred upon regularly appointed law enforcement officers. It shall be the duty of said Inspector to enforce the provisions herein. Said Inspector may call upon any police officer or the person or persons conducting said dance for assistance in ejecting any person from the dance if that person is offending against the decent and peaceful proprieties of a social gathering. The Inspector so appointed shall be entitled to charge for his or her services at each dance and shall receive such fee as the governing body shall, by motion, designate. Said fee shall be paid by the person or persons conducting the public dance prior to the opening of said public dance. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons conducting a public dance to begin said dance until the Inspector is present, unless the governing body waives its right to make such an appointment. Said Inspector shall make a written report to the governing body concerning each dance attended. The governing body may, in its discretion, designate one or more additional peace officers to work with the Inspector during the hours of the public dance, and the compensation of any additional peace officer so appointed shall be equal to and paid in the same manner as the Inspector’s compensation.
(Prior Code, § 10-702)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-207