(a)   General Street Design.
      (1)   The arrangement, character, width, grade, construction, and location of all streets shall conform to any adopted plans of the City that are in effect at the time of final plat submission.
      (2)   The street layout shall provide access to all lots and parcels of land within the subdivision.
      (3)   Access control at major arterials and highways shall be taken into consideration in the design of the subdivision plat. The City or ODOT has the right to define and limit access along major arterials or highways.
      (4)   The subdivider shall provide within the boundaries of the subdivision plat the necessary right-of-way for the widening, continuance, or alignment of such streets in conformity with any adopted plans of the City.
      (5)   The class of streets in a new subdivision shall be not less than the minimum class established in this code. The street and alley arrangement shall not cause a hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it.
      (6)   Residential minor streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic, but offset streets shall be avoided whenever possible.
      (7)   Where practical, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas.
      (8)   A street that is not constructed to City standards will not be accepted by the City for dedication as a public street.
      (9)   Extensions.
         A.   The street layout of the proposed subdivision shall provide for the continuation or projection of streets already existing in areas adjacent to the area being subdivided unless the MPC deems such continuation or extension undesirable for specific reasons of topography or design.
         B.   Where, in the opinion of the MPC, it is desirable to provide street access to adjoining properties, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundaries of such properties. Where the MPC deems it necessary, such dead-end streets shall be provided with turn-around having a radius of at least forty (40) feet of paved surface area.
         C.   The street system for the proposed subdivision shall provide for extending existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case shall a street extension be of less width than the minimum width required in this code for a street in its category.
   (b)   Street Names, Signs, and Numbering.
      (1)   The developer shall be required to install durable street name signs according to City Standards and bearing approved street names at all intersections as well as all other appropriate signs for adequate traffic control.
      (2)   Street names shall be selected that will not duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets in the City of Mount Vernon and in Knox County irrespective of modifying terms such as street, avenue, boulevard, etc. Streets that are or will eventually be continuations of existing or platted streets shall be named the same. Street names shall be included on the preliminary plat and final plat.
      (3)   When a new street is a direct extension of an existing street, the name shall remain the same.
      (4)   Address numbers shall be assigned by the County in accordance with the current numbering system.
      (5)   The developer, at their expense, shall install traffic control devices within the subdivision and where subdivision streets connect with existing streets. These devices shall meet all applicable standards as established by the City.
   (c)   Grading of Streets.
      (1)   All streets, roads, and alleys shall be graded to their full widths by the subdivider so that pavements and sidewalks can be constructed on the same level plane. Deviation from this standard due to special topographical conditions will be allowed only with the special approval of the MPC.
      (2)   Before grading is started, the entire right-of-way area shall be first cleared of all tree stumps, roots, brush, and other objectionable materials and of all trees not intended for preservation. The subgrade shall be properly shaped, rolled and uniformly compacted to conform with the accepted cross-section and grades.
      (3)   In cuts, all tree stumps, boulders, organic materials, soft clay, spongy material, and other objectionable materials shall be removed to a depth of at least two (2) feet below the graded surface. Rock, when encountered, shall be scarified to a depth of at least twelve (12) inches below the graded surface.
      (4)   In fills, all tree stumps, boulders, organic materials, soft clay, spongy materials, and other objectionable materials shall be removed to a depth of at least two (2) feet below the natural ground surface. This objectionable matter as well as similar matter from cuts shall be removed from the right-of-way area and disposed of in such a manner that it will not become incorporated in fills or hinder proper operation of the drainage system.
      (5)   Adequate under drainage shall be provided wherever good engineering practice dictates.
   (d)   Street Types.
      (1)   The dedication of the right-of-way for new streets shall meet the minimum right-of-way widths and pavement widths in Table 1114-1.
Street Type
Minimum Right-of-Way Width
Minimum Pavement Width
Primary Arterial
100 feet
48 feet
Secondary Arterial
80 feet
40 feet
66 feet
34 feet
60 feet
30 feet
Marginal Access
50 feet
20 feet
20 feet
20 feet
      (2)   All points of access streets shall be as approved by the MPC. Marginal access streets may be required by the Commission for subdivisions fronting on arterial streets.
      (3)   Through proposed business areas, street widths shall be increased ten (10) feet on each side if needed to provide parking without interfering with normal traffic movements.
      (4)   Where there are unusual topographical or other physical conditions, the MPC may require a greater or lesser right-of-way width than that indicated in this section.
      (5)   Subdivisions platted along existing streets shall dedicate additional right-of-way if necessary to meet the minimum street width requirements set forth in Table 1114-1.
      (6)   The entire minimum right-of-way width shall be dedicated where the subdivision is on both sides of an existing street. When the subdivision is located on only one (1) side of an existing street, one-half (1/2) of the required right-of-way width, measured from the centerline of the existing roadway, shall be dedicated.
      (7)   Cul-de-Sacs.
         A.   The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be 1,000 feet unless necessitated by topography or other circumstances beyond the subdivider's control. Each cul-de-sac shall be provided with a turnaround having a minimum right-of-way radius of fifty (50) feet with a 100-foot terminal diameter. The road surface within the cul-de-sac right-of-way shall conform, for dimensions, to the City's standard drawings.
         B.   Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum pavement width of forty (40) as the minimum diameter at the turn around.
      (8)   Half Streets. The dedication of half streets shall not be permitted except in special situations. Where there exists a dedicated or platted half street or alley adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted if deemed necessary by the MPC.
      (9)   Private Streets and Reserve Strips.
         A.   There shall be no private streets platted within a subdivision.
         B.   There shall be no reserve strips in a subdivision except where their control is definitely vested in the City or County under conditions approved by the MPC as authorized in this code.
      (10)   Alleys. Alleys may be permitted if approved by the MPC as part of the subdivision plat.
      (11)   Marginal Access Streets. Where the proposed subdivision abuts upon or contains an existing or proposed arterial street or highway on which traffic volumes and vehicular speeds warrant special safety considerations, the Commission may require that marginal access streets be provided in order that no lots will front on such existing or proposed arterial street or highway.
   (e)   Intersections.
      (1)   Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles unless the intersection contains a roundabout design as approved by the City Engineer.
Figure 1114-A: Streets should intersect as nearly as possible at right angles
(right image) with the exception of approved roundabouts.
      (2)   Street curb intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least twenty (20) feet. When the smallest angle of street intersection is less than sixty (60) degrees, the MPC shall require curb radii of greater length. Wherever necessary to permit the construction of a curb having a desirable radius without reducing the sidewalk at a street corner to less than normal width, the property line at such street corner shall be rounded or otherwise set back sufficiently to permit such curb construction.
      (3)   No lot or other parcel of land which abuts on and has access to either a collector or a minor street shall have a service drive, curb cut or other means of access to an arterial street within seventy-five (75) feet of the right-of-way of any street which intersects such arterial street on the side on which such lot or parcel is located.
      (4)   Street jogs are prohibited.
Figure 1114-B: Street jogs (left image) are prohibited with straight travel through a four-way intersection (right image) the appropriate intersection type unless a roundabout is approved.
   (f)   Vertical and Horizontal Alignment.
      (1)   A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
Figure 1114-C: Illustration of the minimum 100-foot tangent required between reverse curves.
      (2)   Where there is a deflection angle of more than ten (10) degrees in the alignment of a street, a curve with a radius adequate to ensure safe sight distance shall be made. The minimum radii of curves shall be as established in Table 1114-2:
Street Type
Minimum Curve Radius (Feet)
Arterial Street
Collector Street
Minor Street
   (g)   Street Grades and Elevations.
      (1)   Street grades shall conform to Table 1114-3:
Street Type
Allowable Maximum Grade
Percent Grade Desirable Maximum
Arterial Street
5 percent
4 percent
Collector Street
7 percent
5 percent
Minor Street
8 percent
7 percent
      (2)   All streets shall be designed so as to provide for the discharge of surface water from the pavement and from the right-of-way by grading and drainage. For adequate drainage, the minimum street grade shall be not less than one-half of one percent (0.5%).
      (3)   The MPC shall not approve streets which will be subject to inundation or flooding based on a twenty-five (25)-year storm event. All streets must be located at elevations which will make them flood-free in order that portions of the subdivision will not be isolated by floods. Where flood conditions exist, the Commission shall require profiles and elevations of streets in order to determine the advisability of permitting the proposed subdivision activity.
      (4)   Fill may be used in areas subject to flooding in order to provide flood- free streets if such fill does not unduly increase flood heights. Drainage openings shall be designed so as not to restrict the flow of water and thereby unduly increase flood heights.
   (h)   Pavement Specifications. The following pavement specifications shall be required for all public streets unless additional standards are required by specifications developed by the City Engineer and adopted by the City.
      (1)   The developer shall evaluate the soil conditions of the proposed site at the proposed road alignments. The developer shall present a roadway design using the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) method outlined below with geotechnical testing data or the developer shall meet the minimum standards outlined below.
      (2)   Brick and concrete streets may be approved for use as public streets if specifications are agreed upon within the developer's agreement.
      (3)   Street construction design shall be based upon the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of the soil subgrade. Where more than one soil type of varying CBR value occurs on the proposed street, design shall be made on the basis of the lowest CBR. While actual on-site testing is recognized as a proper method of determining CBR values, the use of soil types may be utilized in lieu of on-site testing as a satisfactory substitute.
      (4)   Sub-base construction: All developers shall be required to construct a roadway sub base that complies with the specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation (Item 203 and 204) for the type of roadway being constructed.
      (5)   Base Construction: The aggregate base for a street shall consist of four inches of compacted granular material meeting the Ohio Department of Transportation Specifications for Item 304.
      (6)   Surface Construction: All developers shall be required to adhere to the City of Mount Vernon asphalt specifications and standard drawings.
         A.   Asphalt Concrete Pavement: All developers shall construct a hard surfaced street consisting of nine (9) inches of asphalt concrete applied in three (3) courses consisting of a six inch (6") 301 bitumninous aggregate base; one and one-half inch (1.5") 448 intermediate; one and one-half inch (1.5") 448 surface and meeting the specifications of Ohio Department of Transportation as modified by the City of Mount Vernon.
         B.   Rigid Concrete Pavement: All developers shall construct a hard surfaced street of seven (7) inches minimum thickness Portland Cement Concrete Pavement meeting the specifications of Ohio Department of Transportation Item 451 and as modified by the City of Mount Vernon
         C.   Brick Paving: All developers shall construct a hard surfaced street consisting of a seven (7) inche concrete base, topped with brick meeting the ASTM C1272 Type R or Type F standards.
      (7)   The City Engineer may review proposed construction design and recommend approval of alternative pavement specifications.
   (i)   Curbs and Gutters.
      (1)   The requirements for curbs and gutters will vary according to the character of the area and the density of development.
      (2)   Curbs and gutters shall be constructed in conformance with the current Construction and Material Specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation unless otherwise waived or modified by the City Engineer and approved by the MPC.
         (Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)