A.   General Requirements: The following restrictions on accessory buildings, structures and uses apply to all zoning districts:
      1.   Time Of Construction: No accessory building or structure shall be constructed on any lot prior to the time of construction of a principal building.
      2.   Yard Requirements: No accessory building, structure or use shall be located in a required front yard, required side yard or exterior side yard, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter.
      3.   Height Requirements:
         a.   Residential And Commercial Districts: No detached garage or gazebo shall exceed a maximum height of fifteen feet (15'). No other accessory building/structure shall exceed ten feet (10') in height.
         b.   Industrial, Office Research And Conservation Recreation Districts: No accessory building/structure shall exceed twenty feet (20') in height.
      4.   Separation Between Buildings:
         a.   A detached accessory building or structure shall be located no closer to the principal building than three feet (3'). Detached garages located between three feet (3') and ten feet (10') from a principal building shall be provided with a five- eighths inch (5/8") drywall finish on the interior walls and ceiling.
         b.   Any structure permanently attached to the principal structure is no longer considered an accessory structure pursuant to article XXIV of this chapter and shall meet the bulk requirements of the zoning district for principal structures, unless otherwise listed as a permitted obstruction in section 14.319 of this article.
         c.   Aboveground swimming pools are permitted to attach to a deck if all required rear and side yard setbacks are met and the deck is designed with a gate between the deck and pool and access is provided to the yard from the deck.
         d.   Pergola support columns shall be located no closer to the principal building than three feet (3').
      5.   Number Of Accessory Structures: The maximum number of accessory structures shall not exceed two (2) such structures per zoning lot. Swimming pools and structures listed as permitted obstructions in section 14.319 of this article are exempt from the total number of accessory structures.
      6.   Shed Restrictions: A shed shall not be utilized to store motor vehicles or as office, work or living space. The storage of household items, equipment to maintain the property and small recreational equipment is permitted.
      7.   Roof Pitch: No accessory structure shall have a roof pitch of less than three to twelve (3:12). Pergolas, arbors, and accessory structures in the I-1 Limited Industrial and C-R Conservation Recreation zoning districts shall be exempt from this requirement.
   B.   Restrictions In Residential Districts:
      1.   Maximum Size:
         a.   A detached private garage may be no larger than six hundred seventy two (672) square feet.
         b.   A shed, gazebo, pergola, greenhouse, or other similar accessory structure may be no larger than the smaller of the following:
            (1)   Two percent (2%) of the lot area; or
            (2)   Two hundred (200) square feet.
      2.   Bulk Restrictions:
         a.   On lots fifty five feet (55') in width or less, detached accessory structures shall be set back three feet (3') from any interior side or rear lot line.
         b.   On lots greater in width than fifty five feet (55'), detached accessory structures shall be set back five feet (5') from any interior side or rear lot line.
         c.   No accessory structure shall be placed on any right of way or village utility or easement without prior consent from the director of community development.
         d.   All solid roofed accessory structures, including gazebos, shall be included in any Floor Area Ratio calculation.
      3.   Lot Coverage: Accessory structures shall be included in any maximum lot coverage calculation. Swimming pools are exempt from the maximum lot coverage calculation.
   C.   Restrictions In Business And Industrial Districts:
      1.   Maximum Area: Detached accessory building(s) or structure(s) shall occupy no more than thirty percent (30%) of the area of a required yard.
      2.   Yard Requirements: Accessory structures shall be set back six feet (6') from any side or rear lot line. No accessory structure shall be placed on any right of way or village utility or easement without prior consent from the director of community development.
   D.   Regulations For Specific Accessory Structures And Uses:
      1.   Garbage Dumpsters And Recycling Containers:
         a.   Required: All multi-family buildings utilizing centralized solid waste services shall provide a garbage dumpster and recycling container area which meets the minimum standards which have been established by the solid waste coordinator.
         b.   Location: Outdoor designated garbage dumpsters and recycling containers shall maintain the same setbacks as parking lots. Dumpsters and containers that are located within covered parking areas shall be designed so that they do not conflict with required parking spaces or access drives.
         c.   Screening:
            (1)   Nonresidential Districts: Such dumpsters and containers shall be screened on all sides by a solid wood fence or equivalent screening material to a height not less than six feet (6').
            (2)   Residential Districts: Multiple-family residential developments shall provide screening on no less than three (3) sides by a solid wood fence or equivalent screening material to a height not less than six feet (6').
      2.   Accessory Commercial Uses Within Multi-Family Residences: Accessory commercial uses including restaurants, drugstores, retail food shops, valet services, beauty and barber shops, and physical fitness or health facilities shall be permitted within multi-family buildings provided that the accessory uses must be accessible to the public only through the lobby of the building; and no advertising or display related to the accessory use shall be visible from outside the building.
      3.   Accessory Uses Within Office Buildings: Accessory uses located within office buildings including cafeterias, restaurants, gift shops, flower shops, snack bars, drugstores, barbershops, beauty parlors, banks, daycare centers, and office supply stores (excluding sales of office machinery and furniture) shall be permitted provided that said accessory uses are conducted for the convenience of the employees, patients, patrons, or visitors. Said accessory uses shall be designed and located totally within the confines of the principal building and the primary access to any accessory retail use shall be from within the principal building.
      4.   Off Street Parking Facilities: Parking lots and drive aisles shall not be subject to the restrictions of this subsection, but shall be subject to the requirements within articles XXII and XXIII of this chapter.
      5.   Signs: Signs shall not be subject to the restrictions of this subsection but shall be subject to the requirements of chapter 7 of this code.
      6.   Swimming Pools: The regulations of this subsection shall not apply to any pool having at every point a depth less than twenty five inches (25").
No out of doors swimming pool for the use of members and their guests of nonprofit club or organization, or limited to house residents of a multiple-dwelling unit, a block, a subdivision, neighborhood, or other community shall be permitted in an R-1, R-A or R-X district.
         a.   Location: Swimming pools shall not be permitted in any required front, side or exterior side yards. Pools are permitted to encroach into the rear yard provided a minimum of fifteen feet (15') is maintained from the rear property line to the edge of the structure.
         b.   Construction: All swimming pools shall be constructed according to the requirements of this code.
      7.   Donation Boxes: The following restrictions shall apply to all donation boxes located within the Village:
         a.   Location Requirements:
         (1)   Donation boxes are permitted as an accessory use to an institutional or nonprofit use only.
         (2)   Donation boxes shall not be located in a required parking space.
         (3)   Donation boxes shall not be located in a required front yard, required side yard or exterior side yard and shall be located to minimize visual impact when viewed from a street.
         b.   Number Allowed: No more than one donation box shall be located on any lot.
         c.   Size: A donation box shall not exceed six and one-half feet (6.5') in height. The box footprint shall be no greater than twenty five (25) square feet.
         d.   Maintenance Requirements: Donation boxes shall be maintained in good condition with no structural damage, holes, rust or graffiti. All boxes shall be emptied and serviced regularly to prevent overflow of collections and be kept free of debris.
         e.   Signage: The name, address and phone number of the donation box operator shall be posted on the box. Information shall be provided on the box as to whether the operator is a for profit or not for profit organization. Total signage on the donation box shall not exceed five (5) square feet or as approved by the director of community development.
         f.   Placement: All donation box placement shall be in accordance with all additional state or county law. (Ord. 6286, 12-6-2016; amd. Ord. 3528, 9-2-2020; Ord. 6583, 9-5-2021; Ord. 6590, 11-16-2021)