A.   License Required:
      1.   It is unlawful for any person to operate, maintain or offer to rent for residential purposes within the Village, a rental unit or rental structure, whether vacant or not, without first obtaining a residential operator's license as provided in this article. The license shall be issued only to an "inspection group", as defined in this article.
      2.   It is unlawful for a person to enter into a residential lease, either as lessor or lessee, if the premises is posted as being unlicensed or having a revoked or suspended license.
      3.   It is unlawful for any person to occupy, renew a lease, offer for rent or permit occupancy of any dwelling unit that is unlicensed or whose license is revoked or suspended.
   B.   License Application:
      1.   Each applicant for a license to maintain a rental structure shall file a written application with the code official stating:
         a.   The full legal name, address, and home and work telephone numbers of each and every legal and beneficial owner.
         b.   The address of the rental structure.
         c.   The number of dwelling units within the structure.
         d.   In the case of an owner who has designated a property manager, the name, address and phone number of the property manager.
      2.   All licenses shall be due and payable on or before August 31, and the respective licenses shall expire on August 31 next after the date of issue.
      3.   Each license application shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in appendix A, division II of this code. If an application for a renewal of an existing license is received after September 1, the fee shall be increased by fifty percent (50%). If, at the time of application for a license or renewal license, an applicant has been certified as a residential operator for the new licensing period, the fee shall be decreased by ten percent (10%) as to any inspection group to which that certification applies.
      4.   Whenever there is a change in the ownership of a rental structure or a change in the owner's property manager, the owners shall, within fifteen (15) days of such change, file a written notice with the code official indicating such change.
      5.   Application for license renewal shall be made in the same manner as a new application except that the application shall state that it is for renewal. (Ord. 3366, 9-6-1983; amd. Ord. 4728, 5-16-1995; Ord. 4781, 3-5-1996; Ord. 4868, 6-17-1997; Ord. 4909, 1-20-1998; Ord. 5189, 5-15-2001; Ord. 5619, 3-6-2007; Ord. 5896, 12-20-2011)