(A)   Upon receipt of a completed land division application package, the City Assessor shall forthwith submit the same to the Land Division Board for decision. The Land Division Board shall approve, approve with reasonable conditions to assure compliance with applicable ordinances and the protection of public health, safety and general welfare, or disapprove the land division applied for within 30 days after receipt of the application package conforming to this chapter's requirements, and shall promptly notify the applicant of the Land Division Board's decision(s) and the reason(s) for any denial. If the application package does not conform to this chapter's requirements and the State Land Division Act, the Land Division Board shall return the same to the applicant for completion and refiling in accordance with this chapter and the State Land Division Act.
   (B)   A denial of a land division application shall be reviewed by the City Commission upon a written request by the applicant filed with the City Clerk within 30 days of the date of the notice of denial. The written request for review shall contain a concise statement of the reasons the applicant believes the denial was improper. The standards to be applied by the City Commission shall be those listed in § 155.07. The City Land Division Board shall present to the City Commission a concise written statement of the reasons for the denial at least ten days prior to the Commission's review. A copy shall be mailed to the applicant. The decision of the City Commission shall be final.
   (C)   A decision approving a land division is effective for one year, after which it shall be considered revoked unless within such period a document is recorded with the Isabella County Register of Deeds office and filed with the City Assessor accomplishing the land division(s) or transfer.
   (D)   The City Land Division Board shall maintain an official record of all approved and accomplished land divisions or transfers.
(Ord. 848, passed 10-9-00)