(A) Newly planted trees must be not less than 1¼" in diameter of trunk measured six inches above ground level and free from disease and insect infestations.
(B) The spacing between trees will be determined by the species being planted a minimum of 25 feet apart. This rule shall not prohibit the planting of at least one tree per lot. Existing trees at the time of passage of this chapter shall be replaced when removed in the future.
(C) No tree shall be planted nearer than three feet from an existing or future curb line or outer line of the sidewalk unless a special permit is granted by the Director of Public Works.
(D) No tree may be planted where the clear space between the curb and sidewalk is less than six feet.
(E) All trees from 1¼" to 3" in diameter of trunk measured six inches above the ground, must be protected and supported by tree guards. If only one stake is used, it must be toward the prevailing winds.
(F) Trees shall be planted at least ten feet from the intersection at a driveway or alley and a street right-of-way and shrubs at least five feet therefrom.
(G) Species prohibited by ordinance shall not be planted for the reasons listed below:
(1) Prone to clogging sewers with roots.
(2) Short-lived.
(3) Weak branches and limbs.
(4) Susceptible to Dutch Elm Disease.
Poplar - (1), (2), (3)
Big Tooth Aspen - (1), (2), (3)
Quaking Aspen - (1), (2), (3)
Balsam Poplar - (1), (2), (3)
Box Elder - (1), (2), (3)
Tree of Heaven - (3)
Catalpa - (1)
Silver Maple - (1), (3)
Chinese Elm - (1)
Siberian Elm - (3)
Slippery Elm - (1), (4)
Rock Elm - (1), (4)
American Elm - (1), (4)
Black Walnut - (1)
Eastern Cottonwood - (1), (3)
Black Willow - (1)
Weeping Willow - (1)
(Ord. 545, passed 3-6-78) Penalty, see § 99.99