For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   OWNER. Any person, firm or corporation having fee simple title, joint or common tenancy, equitable ownership or the interest of a mortgagee in possession. Any person, firm or corporation whose name appears on the last preceding assessment roll for the property shall be deemed the prima facie owner of the property within this chapter.
   PLANT. A young tree, vine, shrub, or herb planted or suitable for planting.
   PUBLIC HIGHWAY. A street, road or passage under the control of and kept by the public, established by regular proceedings for the purpose or generally used by the public or dedicated by the owner of the soil and accepted by the proper authorities and for the maintenance of which they are responsible. Highway includes roads, streets, alleys, lanes, courts, places, trails and bridges laid out by the public or dedicated or abandoned to the public. Highway shall include all lands between property lines of property abutting highways.
   PUBLIC PLACE. A place to which the general public has the right to resort; not necessarily a place devoted solely to the uses of the public, but a place which is in point of fact public rather than private.
   SHRUB. A low, small plant, the branches of which grow directly from the earth without any supporting trunk, or stem. Any tree with a potential growth of less than 15 feet shall be considered a shrub.
   TREES. A woody plant, the branches of which spring from, and are supported upon, a trunk or body which at its greatest potential growth, exceeds 15 feet in height.
   VEGETATION. Plant life or total plant cover of an area.
   VINE. A plant whose stem requires support and which climbs by tendrils or twining or creeps along the ground.
(Ord. 545, passed 3-6-78)