   71.01   Purpose and scope
   71.02   Definitions
   71.03   Parking restrictions
   71.04   Parking permits
   71.05   Electric vehicle charging stations
   71.06   Enforcement
   The purpose of this chapter is to regulate parking in the city. This chapter applies to all public roads and parking lots in the city and as otherwise indicated herein.
(Ord. 1091, passed 10-9-23)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT or DOWNTOWN. The area with the following legal description:
      (1)   Commencing at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Illinois Street and the west right-of-way line of Washington Street; thence east, along said north right-of-way line of Illinois Street, to the west right-of-way line of Lansing Street; thence north, along said west right-of-way line of Lansing Street, to the north right-of-way line of Mosher Street; thence west, along said north right-of-way line of Mosher Street, to the west right-of-way line of Main Street; thence south, along said west right-of-way line of Main Street, to the midpoint on the east line of Lot 5, Block 14 of the Original Plat; thence west along the north line of the south half of said Lot 5, Block 14 of the Original Plat, extended to a point 40.8 feet west of the west line of said Lot 5, Block 14 of the Original Plat; thence southwesterly, along a curve to the left, to a point on the north right-of-way line of Broadway, lying 122.04 feet west of the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 14 of the Original Plat; thence west, along the north right-of-way of Broadway Street, 113.96 feet to a point 203 feet west and 43.75 feet north of the interior quarter corner (center) of Section 15, T14N-R4W; thence north, 231.31 feet, to the southerly line of the former Ann Arbor Railroad spur right-of-way line; thence northeasterly, along said southerly right-of-way line of the former railroad spur, to the north-south quarter line of said Section 15; thence north, along said north-south quarter line to the top bank traverse line of the Chippewa River; thence southwesterly, along said traverse line, to the centerline of Oak Street, extended; thence south, along said centerline of Oak Street, extended, to the north right-of-way line of Broadway Street; thence west, along said north right-of-way line of Broadway Street, to the west right-of-way of Walnut Street, extended; thence south, along said west line of Walnut Street, extended, to a point being 82.5 feet south of the east-west quarter line of said Section 15; thence east, to a point on the west right-of-way line of Oak Street, lying 82.5 feet south of the intersection of said west right-of-way line Oak Street and said east-west quarter line; thence south, along said west right-of-way line of Oak Street, to the south right-of-way line of Michigan Street; thence east, along said south right-of-way line of Michigan Street, to the west right-of-way line of Washington Street; thence south, along said west right-of-way line of Washington Street, to the north right-of-way line of Illinois Street and the point of beginning.
      (2)   The area can also be described as within the following boundaries:
         (a)   North of the north side of Illinois Street;
         (b)   West of the west side of Lansing Street;
         (c)   South of the north side of Mosher Street;
         (d)   East of the west side of Main Street;
         (e)   South of the north side of Broadway Street;
         (f)   East of the west side of Walnut Street, extended;
         (g)   East of the west side of Oak Street;
         (h)   North of the south side of Michigan Street;
         (i)   East of the west side of Washington Street; and
         (j)   Southeasterly of the center thread of the Chippewa River.
   CITY MANAGER. The City Manager or his or her designee.
   DUMPSTER. A large trash receptacle designed to be hoisted and emptied into a truck.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. As defined in M.C.L.A. § 257.33. The term means every vehicle that is self-propelled, except for the following
      (1)   Industrial equipment such as a forklift, a front-end loader, or other construction equipment that is not subject to registration under the Motor Vehicle Code;
      (2)   A power-driven mobility device when that power-driven mobility device is being used by an individual with a mobility disability;
      (3)   An electric patrol vehicle being operated in compliance with the Electric Patrol Vehicle Act, 1997 PA 55, M.C.L.A. §§ 257.1571 to 257.1577;
      (4)   An electric personal assistive mobility device;
      (5)   An electric carriage;
      (6)   A commercial quadricycle;
      (7)   An electric bicycle; and
      (8)   An electric skateboard.
   PARK. To cause, allow, permit, or suffer any vehicle to stand or be parked.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE (RV). A vehicle that has its own motive power or is towed by a motor vehicle; is primarily designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use; complies with all applicable federal vehicle regulations; and does not require a special highway movement permit under M.C.L.A. § 257.719a to be operated or towed on a street or highway. The term includes, but is not limited to, a motor home, travel trailer, park model trailer that does not require a special highway movement permit under § 257.719a, or pickup camper. See M.C.L.A. § 257.49a.
(Ord. 1091, passed 10-9-23)
   (A)   Prohibition of parking in certain areas. No person may park a motor vehicle in any of the following places except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, or when a permit has been granted by the City Manager:
      (1)   On a sidewalk;
      (2)   In front of or across a public or private driveway;
      (3)   Within an intersection;
      (4)   Within three feet of a fire hydrant;
      (5)   On any portion of a fire lane, unless permitted by the City Manager;
      (6)   In any place or in any manner so as to obstruct the immediate egress from an emergency exist of a building or a designated fire escape;
      (7)   Between a curb and a sidewalk;
      (8)   In a side or front yard in a residential district;
      (9)   ADA spaces will be in compliance with all State of Michigan codes; or
      (10)   Without a permit in a space designated as permit parking only.
   (B)   Prohibitions on method of parking in certain areas. The following methods of parking are prohibited where specified:
      (1)   With a vehicle's left wheels nearest to the curb, except on one-way roadways where parking is permitted on the left side of the roadway; and
      (2)   Back-in parking, in any angled parking spot.
   (C)   Time restrictions for parking in certain areas.
      (1)   No person may park overtime beyond the period of legal parking time identified by a regulatory sign;
      (2)   No person may park any vehicle on any street in the Central Business District between the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. during any day of the year; and
      (3)   Snow emergencies.
         (a)   No person may park or leave any vehicle, RV, construction trailer, or dumpster on a street or highway in the city when a snow emergency is in effect.
         (b)   The City Manager may declare a snow emergency after making a finding that, on the basis of falling snow, sleet, or freezing rain, or based on a National Weather Service forecast, weather conditions will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be expedited and that parking on city streets will be prohibited or restricted for plowing or other purposes. A snow emergency must be publicly announced prior to its effective time by means of press release, web posting, telephone information line, and/or emergency communications system where feasible.
         (c)   Once in effect, a snow emergency remains in effect until terminated by an announcement of the City Manager in the same manner in which it was declared.
   (D)   Restrictions on parking of certain vehicles and use of city right-of-way.
      (1)   Stalled or disabled vehicles.
         (a)   Whenever a vehicle becomes stalled or disabled for any reason on any portion of a city street to which a parking prohibition applies, the person operating the vehicle shall take immediate action to have the vehicle towed or pushed off the street.
         (b)   No person may abandon or leave a vehicle on a city street, except for the purpose of securing assistance during the actual time necessary to go to a nearby telephone, garage, automobile service station, or other place of assistance and return without delay.
      (2)   Dumpsters. No dumpster may be left overnight on any street, alley, parking lot, highway, or other public place unless authorized by the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works may provide for the issuance of a temporary dumpster permit for parking and use of a dumpster on public grounds owned or controlled by the city, on such order and conditions as the City Manager shall, in his/her discretion, determine to be just and reasonable, for a period of time not to exceed ten days in any one calendar year.
      (3)   Recreational vehicles (RVs).
         (a)   A recreational vehicle may be parked, used, or occupied on the premises of a dwelling only if the occupants of the RV have access to and the unlimited use of the sanitary facilities of the dwelling and the operator of the RV secures a permit as provided by this chapter.
         (b)   No recreational vehicle may be parked overnight on any street, alley, parking lot, highway, or other public place unless authorized by the Building Official. The Building Official may provide for the issuance of a temporary RV permit for parking, use, and occupancy of recreational vehicle on public grounds owned or controlled by the city, on such order and conditions as the City Manager shall, in his/her discretion, determine to be just and reasonable, for a period of time not to exceed ten days in any one calendar year.
         (c)   No recreational vehicle may be parked at any time between the established setback line and the curb line of any lot.
         (d)   No person may park or permit the occupancy of any recreational vehicle on a lot, field, or tract of land not specifically licensed as a campground, except only as provided by this chapter.
(Ord. 1091, passed 10-9-23)
   (A)   Fees, eligibility, and designation. The City Commission shall by resolution set the cost of parking permits, the eligibility requirements for each type, and the designation of lots and streets where parking is allowed by permit only.
   (B)   Types of permits.
      (1)   Overnight.
         (a)   Overnight parking in the Central Business District is restricted to holders of an overnight permit. Overnight permit holders may only park in designated lots.
         (b)   The City Manager may declare that, on the basis of falling snow, sleet, or freezing rain, or based on a National Weather Service forecast, weather conditions will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be expedited and that parking in city parking lots will be prohibited or restricted for plowing or other purposes. This declaration must be publicly announced prior to its effective time by means of press release, web posting, email, and telephone information line where feasible.
      (2)   Guest.
         (a)   Guest permits are required of guests visiting downtown residents wishing to park in a downtown lot overnight and of guests of residents of designated residential neighborhoods wishing to park overnight on any street in a designated residential neighborhood. Guest permits are limited to seven days.
         (b)   The City Manager may declare that, on the basis of falling snow, sleet, or freezing rain, or based on a National Weather Service forecast, weather conditions will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be expedited and that parking in city parking lots will be prohibited or restricted for plowing or other purposes. This declaration must be publicly announced prior to its effective time by means of press release, web posting, email, and telephone information line where feasible.
      (3)   Residential neighborhood. Residential neighborhood permits are available to property owners and tenants in designated residential neighborhood permit zones.
      (4)   Recreational vehicles. The owner, occupant, or user of a recreational vehicle to be parked in the city and in a city lot must procure a permit as prescribed in division (D) below.
      (5)   Construction trailer. Construction trailer permits, issued by the Building Official, are intended for use by construction companies and personnel during a specific construction project, to utilize space in a municipal parking lot or the use of on-street parking space(s). The permit will be valid for the duration of the project. The permit shall specify the parking location(s) for which it is valid.
      (6)   Commercial. Commercial permits are intended for use by city businesses that require parking of vehicles primarily used for business purposes in the city and allow daytime and overnight parking in streets, spaces, or lots designated by the City Manager.
   (C)   Use of permits.
      (1)   Permits are only valid according to their type and do not permit a driver to park outside the scope of the permit.
      (2)   As necessary from time to time, the City Manager or his/her designee may contact permit holders to move their vehicle(s) so that lots may be cleaned. Failure to move a vehicle as requested constitutes a violation of this chapter.
   (D)   Recreational vehicles.
      (1)   An application for a permit to park, use, and occupy a recreational vehicle on the premises of a dwelling or parcel of land must be made to the Department of Building Safety.
         (a)   The application must state:
            1.   The name of the owner or occupant in control of the trailer coach;
            2.   The name and address of the owner or operator of the recreational vehicle;
            3.   The license number on the recreational vehicle; and
            4.   The required fee, if one has been set.
         (b)   Attached to the application must be written consent by the owner in control of the dwelling or parcel of land at which the recreational vehicle will park and be used and occupied for the persons using the trailer coach for the unlimited use of the sanitary facilities on the premises.
         (c)   Upon the filing of the application, the Department must cause an inspection to be made of the dwelling premises or parcel of land and the recreational vehicle. If the inspection finds that adequate facilities are afforded on the premises for the disposal of waste created and it appears that the parking, use, and occupancy of the trailer coach complies with applicable statutes and ordinances, approval will be granted.
         (d)   After the application is approved and the permit fee is paid, the Building Official shall issue a permit starting the limit of time for the parking, use, or occupancy of the trailer coach. The permit may authorize the parking, use, or occupancy of the trailer coach for not more than six weeks.
         (e)   No more than two permits may be issued for any one trailer coach or to any one trailer coach operator or occupant in one 12-month period.
      (2)   The Building Official may provide for the issuance of temporary RV permit for parking, use, and occupancy of a recreational vehicle on public grounds owned or controlled by the city, on such order and conditions as the City Manager shall, in his/her discretion, determine to be just and reasonable, for a period of time not to exceed ten days in any one calendar year.
      (3)   The Building Official or his or her authorized representative or a member of the Department of Public Safety has the authority to enter and inspect at any reasonable time any premises upon which a recreational vehicle is parked, used, or occupied for the purpose of ascertaining that the owner, operator, or occupant of the trailer coach is complying with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations.
   (E)   Special agreements.
      (1)   Feight Apartments (119 South Franklin). Eight parking spaces for 24-hour parking shall be reserved in the city-owned parking lot on the corner of E. Michigan and S. Lansing Street for tenants of Feight Apartments.
      (2)   MCC Parcel B Title Holding Corporation (410 West Broadway). MCC Parcel B Title Holding Corporation and its agents, employees, tenants, licensees, permittees, and contractors shall enjoy the rights granted to it by the parking and access easement recorded at 1877 Liber 310.
(Ord. 1091, passed 10-9-23)