For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING. A structure used in whole or in part for human habitation, manufacturing, sales, and other
   CITY MANAGER. The Manager of the City of Mount Pleasant.
   COLLECTION CART. A specified container provided by the franchised hauler as a container for residential refuse.
   COMMERCIAL REFUSE. Solid waste collected in commercial refuse collection.
   COMMERCIAL REFUSE COLLECTION. Refuse pickup from all commercial, business, institutional and multi-unit residential establishments which regularly generate in excess of one cubic yard of solid waste per week.
   COMMISSION. The Mount Pleasant City Commission.
   COMPOST. An accumulation of lawn debris, yard waste, coffee grounds, tea leaves, raw vegetables or fruit scraps, in a form suitable for composting.
   CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. Representative group of property owners who have legal authority to manage the assets of a condominium development.
   CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT. Those legal real estate ownership arrangements as defined by
Michigan statute, the Condominium Act 59 of 1978 as amended, M.C.L.A. § 559.101.
   CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS. Refuse which is incidental to construction,
renovation or demolition of buildings, other structures or appurtenances on a premise.
   CONTAINERS OR RECEPTACLES - COMMERCIAL. Durable, water-tight containers or dumpsters with tight-fitting covers meeting National Solid Waste Management Association, American National Standards Institute, and Consumer Products Safety Commission requirements as applicable to design, application and safety.
   CONTAINERS OR RECEPTACLES - RECYCLING. Sturdy, lightweight and identifiable containers for the storage and placement of recyclable materials at curbside.
   CURBSIDE RECYCLABLES COLLECTION. The collection of recyclable materials at the point of generation by a franchised hauler on a regularly scheduled basis.
   FERROUS METAL CONTAINER. Those non-aluminum food containers which are commonly referred to as tin cans.
   FRANCHISE HAULER. Service provider selected by the city to perform collections services that are structured to support the city's solid waste chapter as required to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
   GENERATOR. A person, business, or commercial establishment generating solid waste.
   GLASS CONTAINER. All containers made from silica or sand, soda ash and limestone, the product being transparent or translucent and being used for packaging or bottling of various matter and all other material commonly known as glass, excluding,
however, blue glass, flat glass, plate glass and glass commonly known as window glass, and other types as designated by the Material Recovery Facility Board (MRF).
   HAZARDOUS WASTE. Hazardous waste as defined in Public Act 64 of 1979, being M.C.L.A. § 324.11103, as amended, and as identified in administrative rules and promulgated pursuant to said Act by the Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
   LEAVES. Deciduous and coniferous seasonal deposition.
   LICENSED COLLECTOR. A collection agent who has received a material collection license from the city.
   MATERIAL COLLECTION LICENSE. A license issued by the city to a collection agent for the purpose of providing a specified type of refuse, yard waste and/or recyclable material collection service.
   MRF. The material recovery facility as operated by the County of Isabella and the City of Mount Pleasant.
   MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING. The same as multi-family dwelling as defined by § 152.004 of the Mount Pleasant City Code, except as modified herein with regard to the number of dwelling units and the collection of solid waste.
   NONRESIDENTIAL SITE OF GENERATION. Any site of generation other than a residential site of
generation of four units or more.
   PERSON. The owner, proprietor, occupant, or agent in charge of any premise.
   PLASTIC CONTAINER. Any container made of one type or combination of types of plastics, for example, high-density polyethylene HDPE which is accepted for recycling by the MRF. The list of acceptable plastics is subject to review and change by the MRF Board.
   PREMISES. A parcel of land within the city including the adjoining street right-of-way or legal easement, separated from adjacent parcels of land by legal description.
   RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. Materials such as clean and uncontaminated newspaper, corrugated cardboard, magazines, computer paper, office paper, glass containers, plastic containers, ferrous metal containers, ferrous metal, and aluminum containers or articles separated for the purpose of preparation for and delivery to a secondary market or other use. A list of acceptable recyclables shall be kept on file at all times at the Division of Public Works office. This list may change subject to approval of the material recycling board.
   RECYCLING FACILITY. A facility designed and operated to recover or process recyclable materials for the purpose of conversion into raw materials or new products. This term does not include sanitary landfills, solid waste transfer facilities, and municipal solid waste incinerators provided, however, a recycling facility may be located on the same site as a landfill, transfer facility, or incinerator.
   REFUSE. The same meaning as solid waste.
   RESIDENTIAL REFUSE. Solid waste collected in residential refuse collection.
   RESIDENTIAL REFUSE COLLECTION. Refuse pickup from residential buildings.
   RESIDENTIAL SITE OF GENERATION. Any site of generation containing three residential dwelling units or less.
   ROOMING HOUSE REFUSE. Solid waste collection in residential rooming house refuse collection.
   ROOMING HOUSE REFUSE COLLECTION. Refuse pickup from rooming houses that have been defined in accordance with the city Housing Licensing Code ordinance number 592 (See Chapter 152).
   SITE OF GENERATION. Any premises in or from which solid waste is generated by any person.
(Ord. 745, passed 2-8-93; Am. Ord. 905, passed 12-13-04; Am. Ord. 1056, passed 7-27-20; Am. Ord. 1096, passed 7-8-24)