It shall be unlawful to discharge any wastewater to the municipal sanitary sewer collection system or other natural outlets within the jurisdiction of the city except as authorized by the city in accordance with this chapter.
   (A)   The discharge of all major contributing dischargers shall be subject to review by the city as provided in § 51.064 of this chapter.
      (1)   A wastewater contribution permit shall be obtained for any discharge from a major contributing discharger which is characterized by the city as any one of the following:
         (a)   A discharge with potential to cause violation of the municipal NPDES permit limitations or water quality standards of the stream receiving the effluent of the treatment works;
         (b)   A discharge with potential to cause interference with the treatment process or wastewater sludge disposal procedures;
         (c)   A discharge regulated by federal EPA categorical pretreatment standards;
         (d)   A discharge from any pretreatment facility;
         (e)   A discharge allowed under a SAL as provided by § 51.065 of this chapter.
         (f)   A discharge from any significant industrial user as defined in § 51.002 of this chapter.
      (2)   A wastewater contribution permit shall be obtained within 180 days after the effective date of this chapter for existing major contributing dischargers required by the city to obtain a permit. All other permits shall be obtained prior to connection to the sewer system.
   (B)   Users required to obtain a wastewater contribution permit shall complete and file with the city, an application in the form prescribed by the city, and accompanied by a fee. Existing users shall apply for a wastewater contribution permit within 30 days after the effective date of this chapter, and proposed new users shall apply at least 90 days prior to connecting to or contributing to the POTW. In support of the application, the user shall submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, the information required in § 51.064, herein. The following information shall also be submitted:
      (1)   Where known, the nature and concentration of any pollutants in the discharge which are limited by any city, state, or federal pretreatment standards, and a statement regarding whether or not the pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis and if not, whether additional operation and maintenance (O & M) and/or additional pretreatment is required for the user to meet applicable pretreatment standards;
      (2)   If additional pretreatment and/or O & M will be required to meet the pretreatment standards, the shortest schedule by which the user will provide such additional pretreatment shall be submitted to the Superintendent. The completion date in this schedule shall not be later than the compliance date established for the applicable pretreatment standard. The following conditions shall apply to this schedule:
         (a)   The schedule shall contain increments of progress in the form of dates for the commencement and completion of major events leading to the construction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the user to meet the applicable pretreatment standards (e.g., hiring an engineer, completing preliminary plans, completing final plans, executing contract for major components commencing construction, completing construction and the like).
         (b)   No increment referred to in (B)(1)(a) above shall exceed nine months.
         (c)   Not later than 14 days following each date in the schedule and the final date for compliance, the user shall submit a progress report to the Superintendent including, as a minimum, whether or not it complied with the increment of progress to be met on such date and, if not, the date on which it expects to comply with this increment of progress, the reason for delay, and the steps being taken by the user to return the construction to the schedule established. In no event shall more than nine months elapse between such progress reports to the Superintendent.
      (3)   Any other information as may be deemed by the city to be necessary to evaluate the permit application.
   (C)   Within nine months of the promulgation of a national categorical pretreatment standard, the wastewater contribution permit of users subject to such standards shall be revised to required compliance with such standards within the time frame prescribed by such standard. Where a user, subject to a national categorical pretreatment standard, has not previously submitted an application for a wastewater contribution permit as required by division (B) above of this section, the user shall apply for a wastewater contribution permit within 180 days after the promulgation of the applicable national categorical pretreatment standard. In addition, the user with an existing wastewater contribution permit shall submit to the Superintendent within 180 days after the promulgation of an applicable federal categorical pretreatment standard the information required by divisions (B)(1) and (2) above.
   (D)   Permits may contain the following:
      (1)   The unit charge or schedule of user charges and fees for the wastewater to be discharged to a community sewer;
      (2)   Limits on the average and maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics;
      (3)   Limits on average and maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulations and equalization.
      (4)   Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities;
      (5)   Specifications for monitoring programs which may include sampling locations, frequency of sampling, number, types and standards of tests and reporting schedule;
      (6)   Compliance schedules;
      (7)   Best management practices;
      (8)   Requirements for submission of technical reports or discharge reports;
      (9)   Requirements for maintaining and retaining records relating to wastewater discharge as specified by the city, and affording city access thereto. All records shall be retained for a minimum of three years or in the case of enforcement actions until all enforcement activities have concluded;
      (10)   Requirements for notification of the city of any new introduction of wastewater constituents or any substantial change in the volume or character of the wastewater constituents being introduced into the wastewater treatment system;
      (11)   Requirements to control slug discharges, if determined necessary by the WRRF Superintendent;
      (12)   Requirements for notification of slug discharges;
      (13)   Requirements placing the waste treatment facilities, process facilities, waste streams, or other potential waste problems under the specific supervision and control of persons who have been certified by an appropriate state agency as properly qualified to supervise such facilities;
      (14)   Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the city to ensure compliance with this chapter;
      (15)   Statement of applicable civil and criminal penalties for violation of pretreatment standards and requirements, and any applicable compliance schedule. Such schedules may not extend the compliance date beyond applicable federal deadlines; and
      (16)   Shall contain at least the following: the term of the permit; a statement of non- transferability; specific discharge limitations; monitoring, sampling, recordkeeping, notification, and reporting requirements; as well as compliance schedules, and a statement of penalties.
   (E)   Permits shall be issued for a specified time period, not to exceed five years. A permit may be issued for a period less than a year or may be stated to expire on a specific date. The user shall apply for permit reissuance a minimum of 90 days prior to the expiration of the user's existing permit. The terms and conditions of the permit may be subject to modification by the city during the term of the permit as limitations or requirements are modified, due to a change in contribution by the user, or other just cause exists. The user shall be informed of any proposed changes in his or her permit at least 30 days prior to the effective date of change. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance.
   (F)   Wastewater contribution permits are issued to a specific user for a specific operation. A wastewater discharge permit shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or changed operation without the approval of the city.
   (G)   Any user issued a wastewater discharge permit shall submit to the Superintendent during the month of June and December, unless required more frequently, a report indicating the nature and concentration of pollutants in the effluent and any other information the Manager deems necessary as listed in § 51.064.
   (H)   The Superintendent may impose mass limitations on users in cases where they are appropriate, in such cases, the report required by division (G) above of this section shall indicate the mass of pollutants regulated by pretreatment standards in the effluent of the user.
   (I)   Detailed plans showing the pretreatment facilities and operating procedures shall be submitted to the city for review, and shall be acceptable to the city before construction of the facility. The review of plans and operating procedures will in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modifying the facility as necessary to produce an effluent acceptable to the city under the provisions of this chapter. Any subsequent changes in the pretreatment facilities or method of operation shall be reported to and be acceptable to the city prior to the user's initiation of the changes.
   (J)   Wastewater discharge permit revocation. The Plant Superintendent may revoke a wastewater discharge permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, the following reasons:
      (1)   Failure to notify the Plant Superintendent of significant changes to the wastewater prior to the changed discharge;
      (2)   Failure to provide prior notification to the Plant Superintendent of changed conditions;
      (3)   Misrepresentations or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application;
      (4)   Falsifying self-monitoring reports;
      (5)   Tampering with monitoring equipment;
      (6)   Refusing to allow the Plant Superintendent timely access to the facility premises and records;
      (7)   Failure to meet effluent limitations;
      (8)   Failure to pay fines;
      (9)   Failure to pay sewer charges;
      (10)   Failure to meet compliance schedules;
      (11)   Failure to complete a wastewater survey or wastewater discharge permit application;
      (12)   Failure to provide advance notice of the transfer of business ownership of a permitted facility; or
      (13)   Violation of any pretreatment standard or requirement, or any terms of the wastewater discharge permit or these rules.
   (K)   Food establishments and other facilities required to install and maintain grease interceptors are required to obtain a grease interceptor permit. Grease interceptor permits may contain the following:
      (1)   The unit charge or schedule of user charges and fees for the wastewater to be discharged to a community sewer;
      (2)   Limits on the average and maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics;
      (3)   Limits on average and maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulations and equalization;
      (4)   Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities;
      (5)   Specifications for monitoring programs which may include sampling locations, frequency of sampling, number, types and standards of tests and reporting schedule;
      (6)   Compliance schedules;
      (7)   Requirements for submission of interceptor cleaning, pump out, and maintenance records;
      (8)   Requirements for maintaining and retaining records relating to wastewater discharge as specified by the city, and affording city access thereto. All records shall be retained for a minimum of three years or in the case of enforcement actions until all enforcement activities have concluded;
      (9)   Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the city to ensure compliance with this chapter;
      (10)   And shall contain at least the following: the term of the permit; a statement of non- transferability; specific discharge limitations; monitoring, sampling, recordkeeping, notification, and reporting requirements; as well as compliance schedules, and a statement of penalties.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 704, passed 3-12-91; Am. Ord. 727, passed 4-29-91; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21)