   Before any sanitary sewer system constructed by private, as distinguished from public funding, hereinafter referred to as the "private sanitary sewer", shall be permitted to connect to the system, the owner of said system, hereinafter referred to as the developer, shall do and provide the municipality with the following:
   (A)   Provide the city with the developer's plans and specifications for construction, an estimate of the cost of construction, and a performance bond and deposit with the city the estimated cost of review of construction plans covering the cost of hiring a registered professional engineer to review plans and specifications, which monies shall be placed by the city in an escrow account in the name of said developer.
   (B)   Obtain approval of the city of the plans and specifications.
   (C)   Secure all necessary permits for construction.
   (D)   Upon commencement of construction of the private sanitary sewer, deposit with the city in the escrow account referred to in division (A) of this section a sum of not less than 10% of the cost of construction of the wastewater system improvements to cover the anticipated cost of inspection of construction and payment of connection charges.
   (E)   Upon completion of connection of the private sanitary sewer to the system, the performance bond, upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works and approval of the Commission, shall be released and any monies remaining in the developer's escrow account shall be returned to the developer. Any additional expenses incurred by the city in assuring the city that the private sanitary sewer is properly operating shall be deducted therefrom or charged directly to the developer, at the option of the city. An accounting of expenditures shall be made to the developer by the city.
   (F)   Thereafter, in accordance with the subdivision ordinance, any accepted privately constructed main collector sewer system within a publicly dedicated right-of-way, shall become a public sewer
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21)
   Where a public sanitary sewer is not available under the provisions of § 51.060 of this chapter, the building sewer shall be connected to a private sanitary sewer disposal system which shall be approved by the Central Michigan District Health Department.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21)
   All private sanitary sewage disposal systems maintained in compliance with this chapter shall be maintained in a sanitary manner at all times at the sole expense of the owner thereof.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21) Penalty, see § 51.999
   (A)   At such time as the public sanitary sewer system becomes available to premises served by a private sanitary sewage disposal system, connection to the public system shall be made in compliance with this chapter, and any septic tank cesspools, and similar private disposal facilities located thereon shall be abandoned and discontinued for sanitary sewage disposal use.
   (B)   All abandoned private sanitary sewage disposal systems shall be completely filled with earth, sand, gravel, concrete or other approved material. Upon the abandonment or discontinuation of use of a septic tank or privy, the sewage and sludge contents thereof shall be completely removed and disposed of by a septic tank cleaner who is duly licensed under provisions of Public Act 243 of 1951, being M.C.L.A. §§ 324.11701 et seq. The tank, or the pit in the instance of a privy, shall be treated with at least ten pounds of chlorinated lime or other chemical disinfectant acceptable to the Building Official. Then the tank or pit shall be completely backfilled with approved material and made safe from the hazard of collapse or entrapment.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21) Penalty, see § 51.999
   A separate and independent building sewer (lead) shall be provided for every building; except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear through an adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer. Other exceptions will be allowed only by special permission granted by the Manager.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21) Penalty, see § 51.999
   All costs and expenses incident to the installation of the building sewer and the connection of same to the public sewer shall be borne by the property owner.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21)
   (A)   All building sewers (leads) shall meet or exceed the requirements of the ordinances of the city or the requirements of this chapter, whichever shall be most stringent.
   (B)   Building sewers hereinafter installed shall consist of pipes and fittings of the following types and sizes:
      (1)   Pipe must be of sufficient diameter to carry the estimated volume of discharge. Minimum pipe size permitted is four-inch inside diameter.
      (2)   Pipe must be one of the following materials and cannot be mixed in the connection lines to include the fittings:
         (a)   Cast iron with rubber-type gaskets or leaded joint;
         (b)   Cast iron no hub pipe with neoprene stainless couplings;
         (c)   Ductile iron with rubber-type gaskets, slip joint or mechanical joint;
         (d)   Vitrified clay tile with ASTM C425 joints;
         (e)   Reinforced concrete with ASTM C443 joints;
         (f)   PVC plastic, Schedule 40 or better;
      (3)   No tees, double tees, or crosses, or double hub pipes shall be permitted;
      (4)   Old building sewers or portions thereof may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found on examination and tested by the Inspector to meet all requirements of this chapter; and
      (5)   All changes in grades or direction shall be made with appropriate fittings.
   (C)   Clean-outs shall be installed every 100 feet of straight run and at each 90-degree direction change, and all clean-outs shall be plugged.
   (D)   All lines shall be laid at a minimum slope of one-eighth- inch per foot grade and a maximum slope of one-half-inch per foot grade for four-inch lines and at a minimum of one-eighth-inch per foot grade and a maximum one- half-inch per foot grade for six-inch lines.
   (E)   The method to be used in excavating, placing of pipe, jointing, testing, and backfilling the trench, shall conform to the requirements of the Plumbing Code Rules (Part 7) issued by the Michigan Department of Labor Construction Code Commission and the regulations of the city where applicable.
   (F)   All joints and connections shall be gas tight and shall conform to the requirements of the current building and plumbing codes.
   (G)   Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. No building sewer shall be laid parallel to or within three feet of any bearing wall, which might thereby be weakened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Inspector. Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with current ASTM Specifications except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the Inspector or his or her representative.
   (H)   In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such drain shall be lifted by an approved pumping system and discharged to the building sewer.
   (I)   All excavations for building sewer installation and connection shall be adequately guarded by barricades and lighting so as to protect the public from hazards. Streets, sidewalks, alleys, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the installation and connection work shall be restored in the manner set forth in Chapter 99 of this code.
   (J)   The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at the "Y" branch designated for that property, if such branch is available at a suitable location. Any connection not made at the designated "Y" branch in the main sewer shall be made only as directed by the Inspector and approved by the Manager. All taps directly into the main require the use of a boring machine.
(Ord. 622, passed 3-4-85; Am. Ord. 1074, passed 9-27-21) Penalty, see § 51.999