It is unlawful to operate a golf cart on a public street or road within the city unless the following requirements are met.
   (A)   The golf cart may only be operated on certified golf cart roads that meet the requirements of § 76.06, except as provided in division (J) below.
   (B)   The operator of the golf cart must have a valid, issued registration, issued by the Police Department in accordance with § 76.05.
   (C)   Any person who operates a golf cart must be responsible for all liability associated with operation of the golf cart, and must have liability insurance coverage which will cover the use of a golf cart in an amount not less than required by state law for motor vehicles operated on public highways in the state, and must carry proof of insurance when operating the golf cart.
   (D)   (1)   Except as set forth in division (D)(2) below, no person may operate a golf cart unless that person is at least 16 years of age and licensed to drive upon the streets and highways of the state, and then, only in accordance with such person’s valid driver’s license. Golf cart operators must carry their driver’s license on their person at all times while operating a golf cart on public roads.
      (2)   A person wishing to operate a golf cart who is 18 years of age or older with a medical or physical condition that prevents that individual from being able to obtain a valid state driver’s license may provide to the Chief of Police a letter from a physician certifying that the medical or physical condition preventing such person from obtaining a driver’s license does not impair his or her ability to safely operate a golf cart. The Chief of Police will review the physician’s letter and other relevant factors to make a determination as to whether there is sufficient evidence of the person’s ability to safely operate a golf cart, and if so, the Chief of Police shall issue a letter of exemption from the driver’s license requirement. The physician’s letter, however, does not automatically entitle the person to such exemption. Any person that is exempt from the requirement of a valid state license must carry with him or her, while operating the golf cart on a public street, his or her letter of exemption and a valid state identification card.
   (E)   An operator may not allow the number of people in the golf cart at any one time to exceed the maximum capacity specified by the manufacturer. The operator shall not allow passengers to ride on any part of a golf cart not designed to carry passengers, such as the part of the golf cart designed to carry golf bags. The operator shall not allow any passenger to ride on any part of a golf cart who would be required to ride in a car seat if riding in a car.
   (F)   No golf cart may be operated at a speed greater than reasonable and prudent for the existing conditions, and in no instance at a speed greater than 20 mph.
   (G)   No golf cart may be operated in a careless or reckless manner.
   (H)   Golf carts must be operated to the right edge of the roadway and must yield to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
   (I)   Golf carts not equipped with WORKING LIGHTS (as defined herein) may only be operated on public streets from 7:00 a.m. to sundown. Golf carts properly equipped with WORKING LIGHTS may be operated on public streets only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. To be properly equipped with WORKING LIGHTS, golf carts shall have two operating headlights directed forward, one on each side of the front of the golf cart, and two operating tail lights, one on each side of the rear of the cart; all four lights must be visible from a distance of 500 feet.
   (J)   Golf carts shall not be operated on any sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, jogging path, greenway, park or trail, except by city personnel while on city business. Application may be made to the City Manager, or his or her designee, for a waiver of this provision for a period of one or two days for the express purpose of undertaking a specific project benefitting a greenway, park or trail.
   (K)   Golf carts may only be parked in the same manner and at the same places designated for the parking of motor vehicles. The stopping, standing or parking of golf carts in an area where parking is not allowed or in any place that impedes the flow of traffic or pedestrian walkways is prohibited.
   (L)   Golf carts must be operated in accordance with all applicable state and local laws and ordinances, including all laws, regulations and ordinances pertaining to the possession and use of alcoholic beverages.
   (M)   Golf carts must have the basic equipment supplied by the manufacturer, including a vehicle identification number. Such equipment must include all safety devices as installed by said manufacturer, including rear view mirror, 50 square inches of reflective tape on the rear or rear triangle reflector of the type required by state law, and lights, if the vehicle is to be operated at any time before sunrise or after sunset, as provided in division (I) above. In addition, golf carts must start with a key and be equipped with a non-manually operated horn.
(Code 2019, § 13-75) (Ord. passed 2-27-2017) Penalty, see § 76.99