(A)   Golf carts may be operated only upon certain public residential streets or segments of public residential streets that have been proclaimed certified golf cart roads in accordance with this section. Maps designating certified golf cart roads will be maintained at the Police Department and at City Hall, and may be inspected upon request.
   (B)   To certify streets or segments of streets which have not been previously certified as golf cart roads, the applicant must apply for certification on a form provided by the Police Department. The Police Chief or his or her designee will review the application and approve or deny certification of the street or street segment as a certified golf cart road based upon the following criteria:
      (1)   The street must be a public street located within the city and not have a posted speed limit of greater than 25 mph;
      (2)   The street must be located within a residential neighborhood;
      (3)   The street must be reasonably safe for the operation of golf carts in conjunction with existing traffic after looking at all factors, including: width of street, sight distances, horizontal and vertical curvature, intersections, parking, location relative to a school or daycare center, the existence of traffic lights or other traffic control devices, and the speed, volume and character of motor vehicle traffic using the street; and
      (4)   Any other factors that the Police Chief, or his or her designee, deems necessary when evaluating a particular street.
(Code 2019, § 13-77)