(A)   Registration required. No golf cart may be operated on any public street or road within the city unless the golf cart has first been registered with the Police Department as required herein. The registration shall be renewed thereafter in accordance with the provisions of this section.
   (B)   Application. The application for registration shall be made to the Police Chief, or to some other person designated by him or her, on forms provided by the Police Department. Along with the application, the applicant shall provide a valid driver’s license and proof of liability insurance, as required by § 76.04(D). A registration fee in the amount of $35 shall be paid to the city at the time the application for registration is filed or at the time of filing any renewal of the application.
   (C)   Inspection. Prior to issuing the initial registration permit, an inspector from the Police Department must perform an inspection at the Police Department, or under special circumstances and with the approval of the Chief, at the location of the golf cart within the city limits of the city, to determine that:
      (1)   The golf cart is equipped with all mechanical systems and safety equipment required by this chapter;
      (2)   The brakes on the golf cart are in proper working order; and
      (3)   The golf cart has all of the standard safety features provided by the manufacturer and has not been modified to exceed a speed of 20 mph, nor otherwise modified in any way that creates a hazard.
   (D)   Issuance and proof of compliance. If the application is approved, the Police Department will issue a permit sticker to be attached to the golf cart in accordance with the instructions of the Police Department. The permit sticker shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance, and may be renewed for subsequent one-year periods in the same manner as an application for an initial permit, except that inspections shall only be required for initial issuance of a permit sticker and shall not be required for subsequent renewals. Lost or stolen stickers are the responsibility of the owner and must be replaced before the golf cart is operated on a public road.
   (E)   Denial and revocation. The application for registration of a golf cart may be denied or subsequently revoked by the Chief of Police if he or she determines that:
      (1)   The application contains any material representation;
      (2)   The golf cart does not meet the definition of a golf cart;
      (3)   The applicant does not have a valid driver’s license;
      (4)   The applicant does not have proof of required liability insurance;
      (5)   The golf cart does not have the safety equipment required by this chapter;
      (6)   The golf cart has been modified to exceed a speed of 20 mph, or otherwise modified in any way that creates a hazard;
      (7)   The golf cart is being operated in a manner violating this chapter, including operation by someone not having a valid driver’s license;
      (8)   Failure to pay a penalty as provided in § 76.07; or
      (9)   Other good cause shown, including repeated violations of this chapter.
(Code 2019, § 13-76) Penalty, see § 76.99